Sunday, February 28, 2010

HomeWork 40: interviews

Best Friend- age 17
-What do you think about school in general?
What do you mean?

-how does your neighborhood affect how u learn?
well they affect me by the noises and distraction they cause.
hard to learn things wen its loud.

-how does extracurricular activities affect how u learn?
that's like sports and stuff right?

anything after school

or outside of school
well it could affect my learning because
sometimes you can come home late tired
and don't wanna do any hw.
so it brings down your grades.

-if you could change one thing about your school what would you change?
The healthy food for lunch
i mean
cause some kids are over weighted form the food they serve us.

-would you like all your teachers to but energetic and fun or would you like to keep them the way they are now?
the way they are now
equal of learning and fun

-if you had a choice would you still go to college after high school?
Yes i would to learn more things

-would you like to have the same teacher from kindergarten to 12th grade?
Because having the same teacher teaching you things from kindergarten till 12 grade is a bad thing.
they might know a lot of things then you thought
Friend- age 15
-What do you think about school in general?
it's interesting. it's a pain to drag myself there, and some classes i dread, but it's good

-how does your neighborhood affect how u learn?
my neighborhood has no connection to how i learn. i don't talk nor do i ever see my neighbors (i leave the house before they do apparently), therefore, i have no interaction with anyone

-how does extracurricular activities affect how u learn?
a few of my extracurricular activities are educational in a sense (bio olympiad, science bio olympiad), so i learn during the meetings, and they help me review the bio i forgot from freshman year. in other clubs, i have a lot of friends who have high grades, so after having conversations with them during meetings, i get a small feeling of inferiority sometimes, which then causes me to want to study more

-if you could change one thing about your school what would you change?
the broken escalators. they always break down and it's a pain to get from the first floor to the tenth.

-would you like all your teachers to but energetic and fun or would you like to keep them the way they are now?
it'd be fine to keep them the way that they are currently because they all have their own perks and class is usually interesting for the most part

-if you had a choice would you still go to college after high school?
of course. you can't get a good job nowadays if you don't have a college diploma.

-would you like to have the same teacher from kindergarten to 12th grade?
it would depend. if i liked the teacher, then it would be interesting and i would be used to the teacher then. if i didn't, then no thanks

Monday, February 22, 2010

HomeWork 41: Internet Reasearch On School

How does the neighborhood of where students live and go to school affects how kids do in school?, August 16, 2007. Even though they said that poor kids maybe get affected by the neighborhood they live in, but it is more about what they and their parents think about school than what the neighborhood the student live in and where their school is located. They also talked about the travel time from home to school and they is a factor. The factors might not be the neighborhood but the connection might be between the types of opportunities between the different schools and where the family lives.

Do extra curricular activities affect how students learn?

according to ( these extra curricular activities help students grades, by making them more "active" but now since high school are loosing funding there is a low budget on the number of activities a school can fund. They also say that these activities gives the students pride and accomplishment, so they will continue to do them and work hard.

( states that these extra activities strengthen students and help them fortify the basics more, but the activities to not teach any more than regular classes. this is also suggesting that students should attend more activities, since it "shouldn't" affect out grades and physical heath.

( is arguing not only these activities do what the other two sources said but these activities give a student better attitude toward learning according to a study. Not only saying that students will have time to relax from school but also "recommending" what students should learn what.

( is talking about how students don't get a break from their school work but if they don't it will improve their grades if they study more about it outside of school.

( is supporting scholastic and stating that students who spend their time outside of class doing leisure activities (watching TV, sports, talking on phone) have a negative affect on students, but students whom do school related activities (government, mathematics, etc) have a positive affect on students.

By looking at these different points of view, it is not really sure but many people say that students learning process will sometimes be affected by the extra curricular activities they do outside of school. This is affected by how they spend their time and what they think about school. If a student spends a lot of time outside of school doing leisure activities than doing homework or studying of course it would most likely affect how a student learns, against a student who spends their extra curricular activities studying with a teacher or a tutor.