Tuesday, October 27, 2009

HomeWork 15: Comment 10-14

Your informal research was very informant and allows me to think more about how outside viewers on this topic think. You show many good points in your thoughts and some good points in your summary's that normal people won't see. you said that there was a "show" to catch these "old creeps". This means that the "old creeps" can watch the show and improve on how they hide themselves. There is a good and a bad to everything and nothing is totally pure. i love how you keep talking about how these men or women spend a lot of time to seduce these "kids" and to make twist the minds of children to their will. all these different things these "old creeps" used to lure "kids". It shows how the internet is like a "second identity" for the "old creeps". maybe if you think about it they want to want the lives they never had. who knows since no one has gotten their opinion.

In your experiment it is really funny how you are showing the common reason for commercials, its for people to take a break from watching and to come back to real world and do some things. This is a really good experiment that people should try and see what they think, but i wish the experiment was longer than you would see yourself change your habits over time as you multitask.

When you look at feed it is funny how you view it as "America" and not the whole world, since now that i realize it that the world itself is corrupted and that nothing can stand in its way from falling into a shallow grave like feed. You have a lot of really strong points on what you think about the book and as you said "Feed expresses, what you're told may not always be the truth. Corrupted acts are constant patterns that come up in those with power whether it be the government or top notched corporations. M.T. Anderson is trying to tell us is to be more aware of our surroundings. Don't settle for the government to do all the work for you, be a part of the power and take matters into your own hands." that is shown clearly with he world today, how the people rely on Obama to get things done but he is just one man and one man can't do a lot with over 300million mind controlled slaves puppet ed by this digital world.

When you think about it Feed is a piece of art but, on the other hand your line of "I think Art is both a mirror and a hammer. It reflects a situation using a different angle of perspective to get a point across. Good art is something that will jolt its audience out of their current mind frames and force them to think and perceive the world in a different direction." is proving Feed wrong since it doesn't show other ways and reflect on this one solid point of view, and he is offering no solution by making himself the bad guy. it can't be a mirror or a hammer since the opposite side is never found and the nail to strike on is not there.

I really like reading all your post and think about them for what to say, i would like to read more of your work. ^^


When reading your informal research i see you spent some time trying to analysis about your passion and not the typical stuff. You love your music a lot and you pretty much broke down it with this research and figured out whats in a big part of your life, and how others put it together.

I think that by doing your experiment you really detached yourself from the world like you said, you got to relax and detach yourself from human drama. How you really think of this different experience of your life and look back to the other times you felt this way. But i wonder how else would you relax since there is so much digital stuff around you that we as humans just can't keep away.

I agree with you that in the book it shows how he thinks we forgot how to live as humans and that it would be confusing with out more views than one, but is it true that people would want a feed, since this world is twisted as it is with all these mixed emotions of this world.

I hope to read or hear more about your thoughts since they would be a good collection to compare to of this digital world.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

HomeWork14: Bad Good Big

After reading the material please:
1. Write a single 1-2 paragraph summary of the main argument(s) of the text(s) you've read.
2. Write a paragraph or three about your mix of reactions to the arguments and evidence in the book. What perspectives do you think are useful - what might be faulty?
3. Add a paragraph or two that addresses the ways the argument of this author contradicts Feed. In what ways didn't he? In what ways were the two authors talking about two very different aspects of digitization?
Everything Bad is Good for You: By Steven Johnson
Steven Johnson explains about how in this world if people do what they enjoy they develop their brains further and gain knowledge and experience. This is shown through the new generation of fresh minds. These minds take two different paths, one is to enjoy the past value of knowledge (books) or through the future (like games [digital stuff etc...]). People who enjoy reading gain more knowledge than people who don't lean toward reading as much. He explains how books give us knowledge since it shows a plot or a path which is always followed. The reader will be guided by the narrator or author through a disembodiment and into the dimension of the hypnotic words. This is the same for digital items like video games, people are taken through a "fix" scenario designed by the creator and they cannot get out of the limits like a book. Even though video games and books are the same video games take the user on a path that isn't straight but curved to smaller paths, this which leads to some control. People would prefer the control over a straight path. Even though video games and books might be the same and different people don't view video games as a lesson to others, it teaches the user a certain way of life (crime, fantasy etc...). These value can be used later in the future, and both ways teach through hypnotizing the user for a none set amount of time.

Video Games have a special advantage, since it allows the player to move around more freely, the player must adapt to the rules of the level/obstacle and think through stuff logically. Even though these are just simulations that suck the user in and it is enough to satisfy them into believing that it is possible. As time goes on the different types of technology advance and it allows the types of development to expand and grow to simulate more than one way to think(more than one type of puzzle in one game); this helps people multitask and develop further as humans. Other digital items that can help us evolve or develop further is T.V This helps us with our memories and disembodies us and test our memory to memorize plots, characters and symbols. The user must watch the story move through like a book and capture the messages the "author" wants to portray. This way also bring the viewer more into background of the thing they are showing. The viewer is actually gaining knowledge while they are zones out. Like video games there are different type of shows or genres that will teach the viewer or user and develop them.
I think that he is partially right that digitization help develop our brain but now it is nothing but a tool to be used to control the minds of the users. Even though it develops the sense of logic like Steven said, this logic is also contained by the rules set by the creators. Since the users have to follow the set restrictions and cannot "run through every wall there is in a path" it is trying to find out who can follow instructions better. The better you are at a game the better you are at following the rules set by society and the better puppet you will become in the future. Television is not all that Steven says to be, sure it allows the user or viewer to enhance their memory and thinking capability but this is also a place where the knowledge the viewers are absorbing is the "virus" that will infect the mind and corrupt it from the inside. This "virus" will destroy the parts of the mind which is not needed by others and make the viewers think of what is good in life through the T.V. This would take away each persons freedom to think logically but also grant them some logic at the same time. All this new technology might seem bad to some and good to others, but where should the rest stand?
Both authors talk about how digitization affect eh minds, if its good or bad; either way our minds will not develop any further than it has already. As Feed talks how all this digital stuff hypnotize us and turn us into monsters, as Bad is Good talks about how digital stuff hypnotize you and helps us develop as humans. Both show how digital stuff hypnotize us and simulates our need to develop further. Either turning into a monster or thinking more logically. Bother sides try and show how we are hooked to this digital age and we need it to continue to function as a whole. The simulation this digital stuff gives is enough to satisfy us. Even though they both contradict each others since one is like a story and a essay, two different things but trying to tell us something non the less.

Monday, October 19, 2009

HomeWork 13: Feed B

Through out the Feed, book it is like a master piece showing how each of our lives are affected digitally. Feed shapes the lives of us humans and which we are affected by what we read. The raw emotions that Feed shows through out the books, and all the different symbolism which is shown. The images of the destruction of everything we once held dear to oneself. The destroyed trees and commercialized nature. Selling one's body to what some call beauty to science or our ideal of science. Through out this book the emotions that are experiences by the different characters are pasted together like a collage of feelings, this puzzle of how we feel today. This world that Feed is portraying is an example of an over worked piece of art. The point of views of the different lives are too much for a humans to do, by taking things to this extreme only put out the worst case scenario that the world can develop into. Even though it shows how digital equipment can destroy ones life if experienced too late which is true, by putting a value on ones life through what they wear from digital relations doesn't change ones point of view. The book is taking one step forward and one step back, by showing no solution or indifference. By only looking at this one opinion shows how simple minded we are as humans or animals and this world has created a world of art but also the destruction of this art at the same time.

Looking at this book hasn't changed my life in any way, i have only received new opinion about the current status of this world and nothing else. No matter what someone else says nothing will change and this world and millions of roads in front of it and one of these possible roads might be the world of FEEDS. This might have changed someone else life by showing how this is all bad, but my only leaning toward one point of view and excluding the other is the error we do as humans. In this world by thinking of what is meaningful for our lives and asking these very questions takes everything that is sacred to something else and makes it very ugly.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

HomeWork 12: Feed A

By looking at feed I think that it is not on course to define the current style of today's teenagers. I agree that is shows that not just teenagers but parents are sucked into this whole digital thing too. I feel that the author is adding too much and too little information into this allegory.

Today teens don't have the knowledge that would be considered smart, like not knowing history and other this that are just stupid and makes us more like monsters. In the book it shows a good representation of that, by having people get lesions (which is like plastic surgery, the more you have the better you look), and people not taking the past as serious as they should (like not knowing about the revolutionary war or civil war). The images of a great place is either in a mall, or through the feed, or even dying plants/trees since there aren't many left. Everything i this world is twisted and controlled like how feed shows us.

Even if everything is controlled like that it is not the that extreme. Even though we as humans has been controlled by others by draining our knowledge, we don't know if everything is true, since history is not all that is written in black and white. Even our memories are not completely accurate and that there is more that happened at the time and place then one can read off a text book. People don't always write everything down, so history can never be trusted. In this world plants are going to die one way or another, either by our own hands and ripping them our of the ground and replacing them with machines or by the changing climate or world which we have polluted with our toxic and lies. (recycling->chemical dump in lakes and rivers->killing plants and wild life<-humans don't know this so they are still happy they think they are doing the right thing). The feed isn't have is making us dumber it is the adults who make the stuff and control our lives from birth to death. We as humans never had a choice to choose and these devices only amplify they controlling powers by allowing us to make a fake world of our own: like a second life. Then we as humans teach and control other humans as a endless cycle of pain and sadness: or it could be a endless pain of fake happiness.

In this world the "feed" is not doing this to us but a different source, which we can never get rid of, it is coming from humans, and their need to expand and control.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

HomeWork11: Self Experiment

For my experiment i went 24hours with out using any kind of communication devices. (unless emergency)
This included:
Phone (calling/texting)
Computer (no social network or instant messenger or email)

I though this was kind of fun and boring, since it allowed me to continue my progress on making animations and allowed me more time to think alone. I didn't really feel any different since this only limits a small part of my life, because my life isn't revolved around it. after the 24 hours was finished i didn't jump straight back into communicating through digital items but i just continued what i was doing since i sort of liked the peace of no one bothering you for a while. I think that cutting a whole part of your life, so suddenly is bad since it takes away some of the things you might need, since i didn't really get any opinion from others when i was doing my animations and it sort of became very quiet with out other voices, since music isn't enough. even though long distance communication has become a detraction's in this world, we as people can live with and with out it, i can't really prove that since i only went without it for 24 hours . people in this world don't want to find out how they would live if they didn't have this stuff so they rather go without it for long term.

Monday, October 5, 2009

HomeWork 10: internet research

origins on the virus
What really is it?
Through out time here has been a common threat to everything in this world and that is called a virus. This has started as a small insignificant thing and has turned into some thing that can destroy the live of a computer. By the creating of man whom has also evolved virus that can destroy and kill human bodies. As computer virus were invented by humans to test their knowledge and to show how out need to destroy stuff in a large scale level like burning a house or blowing up a city for our own enjoyment. These virus take it all on a small scale level and destroy the technology that is suppose to help humans progress further. By testing the nature of one human to do to a large system millions use each day as the Internet or a computer in general is an addiction to some but also others worst fear.

In this world we don't know the true origin of this deadly substance that destroys the things that can take over our lives, it could all be a plot made by the computer company's to make us buy more updated software faster, and to earn the "profit" the desire. In this world all we know is that this is out there and evolving by humans and all we can do it try and stop them when they hit and never at the source.

Friday, October 2, 2009

HomeWork 8: Video responces

Hi Jenise, you really tried to think about how your digital representation devices take away the "essence" like Carrie said in her comment to you. i liked how you tried and show the not normal types of digital representation, like your electronic key board and and singing/rapping through a mic. i feel like you are trying to show us how you live your life and what people usually have in their room, since most of it was digital items on the screen and there wasn't really many books, just a lot of empty space at the wall.

I think that when you say "You really lose the essence of playing." i don't think its true, since grand pianos and electric keyboards make different sounds and each of them will not make the same sound as the other. this allow each instrument to match its music with different things and make a whole new verity of music in this world.

You can't loose the essence if you never knew he essence was really there, people just got to open their minds to the possibilities, since in class all we can think now is that these digital things are ruining our lives and but with these things it can help us express each of our passions, like how no one knew you had such a passion for music.

In other words this was a really insightful post and i would love to hear more about it in class.

Hi Carrie, pretty good video, it really shows how humans are over a period of time while doing digitization. i like how you skip from one to another, but i never know when you are really doing, since the sound is unreliable.

you video show how digitization has adapted into our human nature and how we as humans cant really live with out it. we do our daily activities while doing these digital representations.

i think you should have showed the screen a little, even though it kind of shows the digital perspective. we as humans cant escape from these digital stuff, even though people made the wii so they wont be sitting there all the time but we are still looking through the screen.

the stuff that we do today, takes away our sense of time, like how you forget your still recording since you are really into your show.

this is really really insightful post and video and we can learn a lot from watching ourselves stray away from this world. i cant wait till your next post.