Monday, November 23, 2009

HW 24 - Short Story

In a country which lost its individuality, there is a town which lost its name. Some where in this town there is a small forest of my community.

Walking down the dirt en-crusted roads all the trees and animals are the same, yet show some individuality. Each walk like mindless slaves, like me. Those with their half cut strings tied to their legs who walk into the world with half heart-ed dreams. All the birds soar in the air as they sing their lovely songs. Looking out into the world and seeing everything is were it is suppose to be, the order of this world and this forest, to live in a community. The birds always taunt us the land dwellers, how we are always grovelling in the dirt, never to touch the sky. The nice sea en-crested sky above, is where i want to be. To feel free from the birds whom we look up at but to also be one of them, the few animals who can  look different, whom look better than the rest. 

Being a lowly Tapia the birds stare at me with no feeling at all, they know they are different and we all look at them with envy, but they show no interest to look better for us, but for each other and only for themselves. 

Tim, a very special bird always soars the highest, staring down at all the bears and rabbits walking or hoping, he would always just stay quiet thinking what he is always thinking. All the birds are always thinking never saying anything but to them selves. All the squirrels try and soar like them but never succeed. But what can i do since we are all different but the same. They are all special in my eyes and they will never change.

Whenever one lands on a branch, a rat would always come and ask, how are you? But the birds would always just fly away past the trees and into the sunset.

Monday, November 16, 2009

HW 23 - 1st Constructivist Exploration of Cool

Why do people define cool in many different ways?
Why is "Cool" so annoying?
Why are cool "people" the puppeteers of other people but the puppets of other

In our lives many people will define things they like and don't like with different words. "Cool" is one word that talks about how people like and dislike things and other objects. Each person has different views but still the same base line. What one thinks is cool can be uncool to other people, and the way some people think cool is between warm and cold. Each person still thinks the same way, since there are some basic fundamentals that each person has, like building blocks, the base of life. Many people think of cool as the ability to gain attention from others with out showing oneself off.

I personally think that the word "cool" has been overused and misinterpreted, since we give different words different meanings this allows people to think of cool in different ways. Each person is the puppet of the higher class and gain their knowledge from what others do and think around them. "Cool" people think they are leaders but all i see are followers. Each person has their own views of the world but their views never spread past their own minds.

Having everyone trying to be cool in their own minds messes up with their own minds, since each person will try and find out what everyone thinks of each others and to make an unknown competition of life to be the top and to be the best.

"Cool" people lead others to show whats cool and how we should live but the are also being controlled by others. Since if someone doesn't like something on the other person, the other person would change so they are accepted by everyone (or everyone in their world).

"Cool" is such a big word and has too many meanings and has been corrupted so far that it is almost impossible to understand completely. There is so much to talk about in this unit but so little at the same time. There is nothing to hold since like the digital unit we will just jump from point to point and never making up our minds of what "Cool" real is but instead what other people want us to think what "Cool" is.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Art Project (HomeWork 21)

The images used in this video are copyrighted to Nexon and the MMORPG Maplestory.
I also do not claim ownership of any audio content used.

NOTE: i am sorry that this video is not my best. have a nice day :D

Together with your art please append a text that addresses the following questions:
1. Is your art a hammer or a mirror? Why?
I think my art is sort of like both since it mirrors today's society and what is seen through normal people's eyes but it also captures some of the rough parts of society that some people don't see or want to believe. By portraying how many different people view their lives and how it is good or bad but also nailing in some messages of the stuff being over looked. There are many ways to look at my art, with it's badly drawn lines of society and peoples wishes to live in this world where everything can be created and colored. All the different second lives that are made each day and all the abuse of this technology. Everything is digital and everything is a play, all things are created and are considered natural since they are all the same.

2. Does your art make you fink and theel? What are some of your own reactions to your art?
My Art doesn't make me fink or theel since i have no reactions to it. Since i made it there is nothing new for me to look at.

3. What was the most interesting aspect of your making of the art?
I think the most interesting aspect of making this art is how i got the freedom to show what i want to show to the world, even though it is not perfect and how i wanted it exactly but i still got to show some aspects of this world.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Digital Unit Final Paper (HomeWork 22)

Humans Will Never Stop Oppressing Others Will They:
By Vincent Choi
Section A2
Final Draft1
Social Study Class

Have you parent or you the reader ever told your kids: “Stop watching T.V.”, “Television make you dumber since it does not teach you anything.”, “There are kids in third world countries that don’t have the life of luxury that you have today.” Wells Parents are just over exaggerating about these points since in this world humans never want to be put in a spot light of blame so they push something else in front of them. In this world digital representation devises are the escape goats of life. Through out time creations of humans has been mistreated and thrown aside to rot where they aren’t wanted. Digital devices are no different than the rest of crap humans have piled into this world. Digital Representation devices are not the cause of suffering in this world but the unskillful way human use these devices.

Through out time humans have created forms of digital devices that date back to our own imagination. As a human is born the imagination creates the same sensation that today's digital devices are used. The imagination gives off our internal emotions affected by the world around us. "Imagination, also called the faculty of imagining, is the ability of forming mental images, sensations and concepts, in a moment when they are not perceived through sight, hearing or other senses. Imagination helps provide meaning to experience and understanding to knowledge;
"(Wikipedia) As time continued humans developed different types of devices to share with others and to give them the same sensation o emotions. Each person continues to manipulate these emotions they create to try and control the same emotions that other humans have and make categories of good and bad emotions. They document these different types of emotions in stories and books which lead to digital devices of today. The humans choose to use these devices to cause humans suffering and to learn how to control others to their own will "Language expresses thought, preserves thought, and also suggests or creates thought. It has been considered obvious that, so long as language is unwritten, it can accomplish these ends only in a very imperfect measure. Hence it may well be supposed that, at a very early stage of man's history, attempts were made to present in some way to the eye the thought which spoken language conveyed to the ear, and thus give it visible form and permanence"(Wikipedia). It is an endless chain of controlling others to their own gains. Parents use it to keep their children in line and to give them restriction and to feed them different things of good or bad.

Even the creation of other humans as puppets has turned us ourselves into these digital devices. Digital devices are made to make human life easier and like slave they are there to make their owner’s life easier. As a human is born they are either controlled to make life easier for others or control and be controlled. Creations being abused and thrown aside through out the course of time, endless bodies made of all materials (metal, wood, foam, etc…). Each I-pod, Cell phones, Book is like a human’s life since they all has the same value to others. Think about your phone and it freezes on you and doesn’t work like humans revolt in time since it was overused and mistreated. The cell phone has to get fixed like humans are fixed by other humans to twist their emotions and make them do what they want. If it can’t be fixed the cell phone is thrown aside, like how we kill humans in this world. New forms of Cell phones come out more generations like humans to be better and faster. Humans control others like devices and create suffering for their need for more. Those who can understand emotions can control others and create glory for themselves and suffering for others.

All these devices are here to show something to the world. Each human has limits and so does these digital devices. These limits make a box around humans and other things to make them think that is all they can do. In the book “Everything Bad is Good for You” By Steven Johnson, Shows how even though games and television improves your brains limit the normal human doesn’t know that so they can’t use it to help their lives. The Game or television or book is limiting the humans to certain things like maximum strength or, if the person can jump off the cliff or not. Every thing has a limit and by not exploring the dangerous waters one will not end the suffering other has placed upon them. These limits are here to show humans you can’t get past this point or there will be consequences and you will fail. Each human hunter these games, televisions is not under out control and what the creators say goes. This show how all humans are slaves to the creators and these digital devices are being used to limit us.

We as humans have created death to all things. By giving a soul to these digital things we have also enjoy killing them. Computer viruses are a good example of killing digital things. By sending these viruses to other people it is like sending the H1N1 virus to other humans. Unlike the H1N1 which can evolve on its own computer viruses is another creation of humans "People write computer viruses. A person has to write the code, test it to make sure it spreads properly and then release it
"(How Stuff Works). They can’t evolve but can still do serious damage. These little viruses are given commands to attack and spread. To kill these things that we as humans hold dear. By the spread of computer viruses humans has created firewalls and anti virus programs which kill the viruses that can’t spread anymore or contain them. These are still created by humans and are used to affect others and die like humans to be killed by others. Humans create suffering to others and this creates more suffering to fight it.

This connect to real life since as time goes on these dead bodies of “humans” of all shapes and sizes pile up and are there to rot. Land fills are the graves of these creations. We as humans has made these things our trophies like human heads and bodies to sit there till it is not useful anymore "an award for success in war or hunting
"(Definitions).People cherish their digital devices like awards and prizes to show off, if digital items prices are now equal to our lives than its like holding your child up as just a prize and nothing more Through this endless flow of time humans will always cause suffering and will always be the source of it.

This is significant since this world is a mess. We treat ourselves as the superior breed even though our live cost as much as a digital device we use today. We don’t see this but our lives has been so corrupted by other humans and not devices that our essence is created by other and is artificial. Since there is no turning point to this tragedy all there can be is awareness and knowledge of the horror of this world. To see the true nature of humans and what we have become.

People can view that Digital items are actually bad for you and they are causing the suffering in this world by bringing the separation between social classes through a grand canyon, since third world countries can't afford these things and only high profiting countries with partially wealthy citizens can afford to use them.

Another way people can argues is that in Wall-E the humans loose themselves to digital devices and are taught by these devices of what is good and bad. Kids learn of what is your friend and everything for the humans are at the touch of a button. The humans forgot their life necessity like chewing food, working and even walking. Each human is suffering because of these devices but they don't know it since they are so hypnotized by these devices.

Humans created all this suffering for digital devices by tampering with them and manipulating them to their will. Since Humans are destroying imagination of dreams in this world to feel like an individual and feel true emotions only define by themselves. When one is trying to understand oneself and find out that what one see and hear, which is all in your head and nothing in this world is necessarily real. To create one’s own path not to enlightenment but a better future where things make sense and one’s path can evolve from using other human sorrow for ones happiness. The things we throw in front of use like a wall to protect what we really don’t want to see. What we really want to hide from. The nasty truth which everyone should learn and understand and not judge so harshly. The suffering we as humans use to make our lives better which doesn’t come from these devices but each other.

-My research homework (HomeWork 10)
-Andy’s digital timeline and sites (History)
-Johnson, Steven. Everything Bad is Good for You: How Today's Popular Culture is Actually Making Us Smarter. New York: Riverhead Books, 2005.
Wall-E (DVD)

-My mind (can't site this sad...)

Digital Unit Final Paper (HomeWork 20)

Digital Oppression:
By Vincent Choi
Section A2
Revised Draft1
Social Study Class

Have you parent or you the reader ever told your kids: “Stop watching T.V.”, “Television make you dumber since it does not teach you anything.”, “There are kids in third world countries that don’t have the life of luxury that you have today.” Wells Parents are just over exaggerating about these points since in this world humans never want to be put in a spot light of blame so they push something else in front of them. In this world digital representation devises are the escape goats of life. Through out time creations of humans has been mistreated and thrown aside to rot where they aren’t wanted. Digital devices are no different than the rest of crap humans have piled into this world. Digital Representation devices are not the cause of suffering in this world but the unskillful way human use these devices.

Through out time humans have created forms of digital devices that date back to our own imagination. As a human is born the imagination creates the same sensation that today's digital devices are used. The imagination gives off our internal emotions affected by the world around us. "Imagination, also called the faculty of imagining, is the ability of forming mental images, sensations and concepts, in a moment when they are not perceived through sight, hearing or other senses. Imagination helps provide meaning to experience and understanding to knowledge;
"(Wikipedia) As time continued humans developed different types of devices to share with others and to give them the same sensation o emotions. Each person continues to manipulate these emotions they create to try and control the same emotions that other humans have and make categories of good and bad emotions. They document these different types of emotions in stories and books which lead to digital devices of today. The humans choose to use these devices to cause humans suffering and to learn how to control others to their own will "Language expresses thought, preserves thought, and also suggests or creates thought. It has been considered obvious that, so long as language is unwritten, it can accomplish these ends only in a very imperfect measure. Hence it may well be supposed that, at a very early stage of man's history, attempts were made to present in some way to the eye the thought which spoken language conveyed to the ear, and thus give it visible form and permanence"(Wikipedia). It is an endless chain of controlling others to their own gains. Parents use it to keep their children in line and to give them restriction and to feed them different things of good or bad.

Even the creation of other humans as puppets has turned us ourselves into these digital devices. Digital devices are made to make human life easier and like slave they are there to make their owner’s life easier. As a human is born they are either controlled to make life easier for others or control and be controlled. Creations being abused and thrown aside through out the course of time, endless bodies made of all materials (metal, wood, foam, etc…). Each I-pod, Cell phones, Book is like a human’s life since they all has the same value to others. Think about your phone and it freezes on you and doesn’t work like humans revolt in time since it was overused and mistreated. The cell phone has to get fixed like humans are fixed by other humans to twist their emotions and make them do what they want. If it can’t be fixed the cell phone is thrown aside, like how we kill humans in this world. New forms of Cell phones come out more generations like humans to be better and faster. Humans control others like devices and create suffering for their need for more. Those who can understand emotions can control others and create glory for themselves and suffering for others.

All these devices are here to show something to the world. Each human has limits and so does these digital devices. These limits make a box around humans and other things to make them think that is all they can do. In the book “Everything Bad is Good for You” By Steven Johnson, Shows how even though games and television improves your brains limit the normal human doesn’t know that so they can’t use it to help their lives. The Game or television or book is limiting the humans to certain things like maximum strength or, if the person can jump off the cliff or not. Every thing has a limit and by not exploring the dangerous waters one will not end the suffering other has placed upon them. These limits are here to show humans you can’t get past this point or there will be consequences and you will fail. Each human hunter these games, televisions is not under out control and what the creators say goes. This show how all humans are slaves to the creators and these digital devices are being used to limit us.

We as humans have created death to all things. By giving a soul to these digital things we have also enjoy killing them. Computer viruses are a good example of killing digital things. By sending these viruses to other people it is like sending the H1N1 virus to other humans. Unlike the H1N1 which can evolve on its own computer viruses is another creation of humans "People write computer viruses. A person has to write the code, test it to make sure it spreads properly and then release it
"(How Stuff Works). They can’t evolve but can still do serious damage. These little viruses are given commands to attack and spread. To kill these things that we as humans hold dear. By the spread of computer viruses humans has created firewalls and anti virus programs which kill the viruses that can’t spread anymore or contain them. These are still created by humans and are used to affect others and die like humans to be killed by others. Humans create suffering to others and this creates more suffering to fight it.

This connect to real life since as time goes on these dead bodies of “humans” of all shapes and sizes pile up and are there to rot. Land fills are the graves of these creations. We as humans has made these things our trophies like human heads and bodies to sit there till it is not useful anymore "an award for success in war or hunting
"(Definitions).People cherish their digital devices like awards and prizes to show off, if digital items prices are now equal to our lives than its like holding your child up as just a prize and nothing more Through this endless flow of time humans will always cause suffering and will always be the source of it.

This is significant since this world is a mess. We treat ourselves as the superior breed even though our live cost as much as a digital device we use today. We don’t see this but our lives has been so corrupted by other humans and not devices that our essence is created by other and is artificial. Since there is no turning point to this tragedy all there can be is awareness and knowledge of the horror of this world. To see the true nature of humans and what we have become.

Humans created all this suffering for digital devices by tampering with them and manipulating them to their will, by destroying imagination of dreams in this world to feel like an individual and feel true emotions only define by themselves. To understand oneself and find out that what you see and hear is all in your head and nothing in this world is necessarily real. To create one’s own path not to enlightenment but a better future where things make sense and one’s path can evolve from using other human sorrow for ones happiness. The things we throw in front of use like a wall to protect what we really don’t want to see. What we really want to hide from. The nasty truth which everyone should learn and understand and not judge so harshly. The suffering we as humans use to make our lives better which doesn’t come from these devices but each other.

-My research homework (HomeWork 10)
-Andy’s digital timeline and sites (History)
-Johnson, Steven. Everything Bad is Good for You: How Today's Popular Culture is Actually Making Us Smarter. New York: Riverhead Books, 2005.

-My mind (can't site this sad...)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Digital Unit Final Paper (homework:18)

Have you parent or you the reader ever told your kids: “Stop watching T.V.”, “Television make you dumber since it does not teach you anything.”, “There are kids in third world countries that don’t have the life of luxury that you have today.” Wells Parents are just over exaggerating about these points since in this world humans never want to be put in a spot light of blame so they push something else in front of them. In this world digital representation devises are the escape goats of life. Through out time creations of humans has been mistreated and thrown aside to rot where they aren’t wanted. Digital devices are no different than the rest of crap humans have piled into this world. Digital Representation devices are not the cause of human suffering but the unskillful way human use these devices.

Through out time humans have created forms of digital devices that date back to our own imagination. As a human is born the imagination creates the same sensation that today's digital devices are used. The imagination gives off our internal emotions affected by the world around us. As time continued humans developed different types of devices to share with others and to give them the same sensation o emotions. Each person continues to manipulate these emotions they create to try and control the same emotions that other humans have and make categories of good and bad emotions. They document these different types of emotions in stories and books which lead to digital devices of today. The humans choose to use these devices to cause humans suffering and to learn how to control others to their own will. It is an endless chain of controlling others to their own gains. Parents use it to keep their children in line and to give them restriction and to feed them different things of good or bad.

Even the creation of other humans as puppets has turned us ourselves into these digital devices. Digital devices are made to make human life easier and like slave they are there to make their owner’s life easier. As a human is born they are either controlled to make life easier for others or control and be controlled. Creations being abused and thrown aside through out the course of time, endless bodies made of all materials (metal, wood, foam, etc…). Each I-pod, Cell phones, Book is like a human’s life since they all has the same value to others. Think about your phone and it freezes on you and doesn’t work like humans revolt in time since it was overused and mistreated. The cell phone has to get fixed like humans are fixed by other humans to twist their emotions and make them do what they want. If it can’t be fixed the cell phone is thrown aside, like how we kill humans in this world. New forms of Cell phones come out more generations like humans to be better and faster. Humans control others like devices and create suffering for their need for more. Those who can understand emotions can control others and create glory for themselves and suffering for others.

All these devices are here to show something to the world. Each human has limits and so does these digital devices. These limits make a box around humans and other things to make them think that is all they can do. In the book “Everything Bad is Good for You” By Steven Johnson, Shows how even though games and television improves your brains limit the normal human doesn’t know that so they can’t use it to help their lives. The Game or television or book is limiting the humans to certain things like maximum strength or, if the person can jump off the cliff or not. Every thing has a limit and by not exploring the dangerous waters one will not end the suffering other has placed upon them. These limits are here to show humans you can’t get past this point or there will be consequences and you will fail. Each human hunter these games, televisions is not under out control and what the creators say goes. This show how all humans are slaves to the creators and these digital devices are being used to limit us.

We as humans have created death to all things. By giving a soul to these digital things we have also enjoy killing them. Computer viruses are a good example of killing digital things. By sending these viruses to other people it is like sending the H1N1 virus to other humans. Unlike the H1N1 which can evolve on its own computer viruses is another creation of humans. They can’t evolve but can still do serious damage. These little viruses are given commands to attack and spread. To kill these things that we as humans hold dear. By the spread of computer viruses humans has created firewalls and anti virus programs which kill the viruses that can’t spread anymore or contain them. These are still created by humans and are used to affect others and die like humans to be killed by others. Humans create suffering to others and this creates more suffering to fight it.

This connect to real life since as time goes on these dead bodies of “humans” of all shapes and sizes pile up and are there to rot. Land fills are the graves of these creations. We as humans has made these things our trophies like human heads and bodies to sit there till it is not useful anymore. Through this endless flow of time humans will always cause suffering and will always be the source of it.

This is significant since this world is a mess. We treat ourselves as the superior breed even though our live cost as much as a digital device we use today. We don’t see this but our lives has been so corrupted by other humans and not devices that our essence is created by other and is artificial. Since there is no turning point to this tragedy all there can be is awareness and knowledge of the horror of this world. To see the true nature of humans and what we have become.

Humans created all this suffering for digital devices by tampering with them and manipulating them to their will, by destroying imagination of dreams in this world to feel like an individual and feel true emotions only define by themselves. To understand oneself and find out that what you see and hear is all in your head and nothing in this world is necessarily real. To create one’s own path not to enlightenment but a better future where things make sense and one’s path can evolve from using other human sorrow for ones happiness. The things we throw in front of use like a wall to protect what we really don’t want to see. What we really want to hide from. The nasty truth which everyone should learn and understand and not judge so harshly. The suffering we as humans use to make our lives better which doesn’t come from these devices but each other.

-My research homework
-Andy’s digital timeline and sites
- Everything Bad is Good for You, By Steven Johnson
-My mind

(note) missing oposing point of view section

Sunday, November 1, 2009

HomeWork 16: Big Paper Outline

Digital Representation devices are not the cause of human suffering but the unskillful way human use these device.

Through out time humans has created forms of digital devices that date back to our own imagination. As a humans is born the imagination creates the same sensation that today's digital devices are used. The imagination gives off our internal emotions affected by the world around us. As time continued humans developed different types of devices to share with others and to give them the same sensation o emotions. Each person continues to manipulate these emotions they create to try and control the same emotions that other humans have and make categories of good and bad emotions. They document these different types of emotions in stories and books which leads to digital devices of today. The humans choose to use these devices to cause humans suffering and to learn how to control others to their own will. It is an endless chain of controlling others to their own gains. Parents use it to keep their children in line and to give them restriction and to feed them different things of good or bad.
Time-line→ development of these devices after dinosaurs.
leads one after another connecting to how things relates and think similarly.

Parents are a big part of this world and they "feed" the children of whats right and wrong. How children should think about things and to make this world to their own advantage by following others to the path of digital. Each adult would want lead their child but not fall far from the tree of corporation. Each humans are said to be similar and they will follow the next big thing from books to computers to cellphones to the future. Each human care for gain and as they follow each other and not thinking of what they are doing. They will all just follow and find themselves unable to find a reason why.
Feed→ Adults falling into the abyss with the children and only thinking of themselves.
The feed adult don't do anything about the rapidly changing world. They jut follow what new and progress with humans like lave talking with no privacy and

Bad is good→ The different types of technology serves as limits that the humans has created for other humans

Etc→ unknown and need to think of more arguments