Monday, November 16, 2009

HW 23 - 1st Constructivist Exploration of Cool

Why do people define cool in many different ways?
Why is "Cool" so annoying?
Why are cool "people" the puppeteers of other people but the puppets of other

In our lives many people will define things they like and don't like with different words. "Cool" is one word that talks about how people like and dislike things and other objects. Each person has different views but still the same base line. What one thinks is cool can be uncool to other people, and the way some people think cool is between warm and cold. Each person still thinks the same way, since there are some basic fundamentals that each person has, like building blocks, the base of life. Many people think of cool as the ability to gain attention from others with out showing oneself off.

I personally think that the word "cool" has been overused and misinterpreted, since we give different words different meanings this allows people to think of cool in different ways. Each person is the puppet of the higher class and gain their knowledge from what others do and think around them. "Cool" people think they are leaders but all i see are followers. Each person has their own views of the world but their views never spread past their own minds.

Having everyone trying to be cool in their own minds messes up with their own minds, since each person will try and find out what everyone thinks of each others and to make an unknown competition of life to be the top and to be the best.

"Cool" people lead others to show whats cool and how we should live but the are also being controlled by others. Since if someone doesn't like something on the other person, the other person would change so they are accepted by everyone (or everyone in their world).

"Cool" is such a big word and has too many meanings and has been corrupted so far that it is almost impossible to understand completely. There is so much to talk about in this unit but so little at the same time. There is nothing to hold since like the digital unit we will just jump from point to point and never making up our minds of what "Cool" real is but instead what other people want us to think what "Cool" is.

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