Monday, December 21, 2009

Homework 29 - Merchants of Cool

Even though people in this world are trying to hard to achieve this self understanding of "cool", it all doesn't really matter. If one ask the question of "So what?" it shows how people have little understanding of what is around them, the ideals of people leeching off another is common through out history. different people try to make others buy into their own ideas and to sell the people today a dying product. in this world there is mass manipulation but all they doesn't matter since even if we as people try and change it there will always be the merchandizing of "cool" through out the world. In the merchants of cool it showed how companies will always grab all these sub cultures and us them for their own gain to increase popularity and growth. by taking what is famous and to make people think they have the voice, is not wrong but the natural state of society today.

According to the merchants of cool the best manipulation technique is giving the audience a voice and allowing them to say what goes on a show, like on MTV there are no real shows just a bunch of advertisement that draw the viewer in into watching and buying the products they are sponsoring. it is also hard to manipulate the viewers with the same thing for a long time, since the different techniques wear out and the viewers or the teens are able to block out that type of advertising. But in many ways these ways these things still influence people and they might still work to some extent.

Advertising should never be banned since there are many types of advertising and in this world is it is banned to some ages old or younger advertising's might affect those ages since there is always advertising around you and no one can escape from it. In the merchants of cool it talked about how a normal walk today is like strolling through a mall, teens process over 3000 advertising per day they can never escape it. it is all around you and even with the banning those in that age rang will still experience and be influent by these merchants.

It is no evil for the corporations to manipulate the minds of the young since people grow up and will soon manipulate people younger than them like an endless cycle that the person manipulated will be the manipulator. the people studying the "coolness" of today were kids once and were affected by companies to products like what they are doing to humans today.

All people like Mos has the choice to who sponsors them in the revolutions since as they get more popular maybe not as fast as with the corporations, they will be a corporations themselves and manipulating others to their own desire to buy their music, there is no escape no matter what approach one takes in this revolution and eventually the higher corporations will find someone as good since they are paying over 10000 dollars to see what is cool today.

There is no way to tell is the form of advertising sexuality is a crime and people shouldn't do it, but the form of changing people to be the perfect puppet would be a crime like what disney is doing to their new stars training them and shaping them to the images parents and kids would like, they would make models and use them to their own personal gain, by messing with natural talent and making humans test subjects for the perfect advertising puppet.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

(REVISED)HomeWork 25: story comments and analysis

i though when you wrote the story it was very common and nothing special. this might show some small aspects of cool in your mind, but this is a very rough explanations. I think this is a good story but you tried too hard to show coolness in today's society. Even though it filled your though of someone who is kind of cool, there are piece you left out that we would all love to hear.

i though your story was a typical answer, not amazing like the girl but is full of description and life. i liked how you portrayed the class of a regular loners as a cool kid, but i stop to wonder isn't think like yourself in some ways, so are you saying that your cool too.


I though it was nice how you took a new approach to this coolness and show how you think about yourself. Since you act about the same way, people tend to include their personalities into their stories or writing. you are very honest and straight forward about your opinion of what is cool, i just wonder now, do you rethink what is you cool still cool or is it different nows?

Monday, December 7, 2009

HomeWork 27: Surveys

When i went to talk to my mom, the first thing she does is cool at me and ask me "what do you mean cool is suck a big topic." then she stated that her children are cool, just because they are, she didn't name and names of society like celebrities that she though were cool. I was like that this topic didn't really appeal to her, no matter what question you ask.
While walking in the streets my teacher Mr. snyder reminds us to avoid people who are using to their digital representational devices. As i am walking toward east 23rd street i stop and interview a middle age peach skin guy wearing a brown coat. states that "Popularity" is one thing t hat shows "coolness.". He relates popularity with out you dress, and how he is too old to be cool even though he is stating the way to be cool.

As the interview time continues on i meet a 65 year old lady whom says she is just an ordinary person, and unlike the brown coat peach man she thinks she is a cool person and that "i am the coolest person i know!" "kids hang with me"

As time goes on and avoiding people who has sunglasses on, cellphones or earphones out, or are avoiding your gaze, and getting screamed at by an old disabled man who has social issues i finally find a lady who would walk with me and answer some questions.

The Purple jacket female actually told me a name of the coolest person she knew. it was "Robin Stuats" the purple jacket female rambled on about how robin had the most perfect hair, or the greatest clothes, and was smart and a cheerleader. i asked her about what she though out kids today and if they were cool in her eyes, and she thought "the things i like about kids today, is that they are funny, maybe it is because they have you-tube or television!" i even asked her if should though coolness progressed, and she though that you can be smart now and cool, being smart isn't looked down by others. but i though she said robin was smart and how was robin cool and smart if it wasn't considered cool back then. i guess you had to look good and fit into good characters in society to be smart and cool. she thinks of herself as cool now since she says "now i am, i was too focused on what other though in the past."

as i walked by even though i got three people i noticed how everyone uses the same excuses of how they are late for work or school, or they automatically say no like they were ready for you before i asked my question. but i had the feeling of getting one more person since two of three interviews were short that's when i met friendly mustache man. once i asked him about coolness she didn't really understand but when i explained to him a little of the class and what we were learning the first thing in his past wasn't a childhood classmate from his teens but instead was the Beatles, he like their music and though that they were cool. again another person looking down on themselves and thinking he is not cool, but do think that kids today are "pretty" and he looked back to smartness and how he though kids today are smarter than kids when he was younger. this concludes my interview on the street with random people.