Thursday, January 21, 2010

HomeWork 31

-why do you wear skinny jeans?
cause, it makes me feel like im not bloted or fat in a way, i think im fat becasue i see my self in different ways in other people.
-so you care about other people's opinions?
yea sometimes, cause i es Asian.
-why don't you like to wear sweaters?
because they are heavy,
-Is it because you dont want people to think you are weak?
yea basically,
-does it lead back to the reason that you think you are kinda fat?
i guess
-there is no i guess
yea there is,
-aren't your wearing these clothes because there is a empty hole in your life?
yes, there is...
-what do you think is missing?
uhh... hehehe... what?
my family together,
-i dont believe that!
you want to start!
it's not that, the thing that will fill that empty hole in my life is having my grampa back.
-but you know that is only a dream.
-so are you planning to get a tattoo?
yes, i am planning to get a star on my hand?
cause it's cool,
-do you think you are following corporate corruption on the human mind, of what is cool in this world?
my family has it and i want to have a tattoo,
-dont you want to be an individual?
-why not?
cause i dont want to.
-so you want to be a clone?
hell no
i dont want to be a clone because my is gonna take my clothes
-is clothes the most important thing in your world?
yes it is

what do i think about these answers
i think that my biffle still hasn't totally fallen into corporate hands, but is still influenced since he/she gets very defensive about her answers and the questions. He/She doesn't falter when he/she these answers . i think there is something that she is hiding and i think that some humans are different than others and might not fall totally down the hole made by corporate media.
i tried to keep the questions moderate and not very forceful. it is just hard to get answers for questions like this, and it is hard for people to really admit something they dont really know, or think about.


for my self, i think i follow the corporations somewhat, since there is no way for me to escape it, i also dont think there is any individuality left in this world since no matter how you look at it, there is no way for me to escape it. i wear the clothes i wear since i think it is confortable, maybe for the design, to show i follow name brands, but i am not afraid to admit it, but i dont get the reason to follow something really expensive, that will mean nothing to my self and something to other, since i believe that in this world it is mostly an equal trade system but not all the time.

i know my life is meaningless and these are just words, that only mean what i want them to mean and nothing else. since in this world there is nothing meaningful or meaningless. No matter what i say, i will still follow the corporations since i am born into this culture, but there will be no hope for the future.

i will not get anything to damage my skin or body just yet like sergery or a tattoo, etc since i believe in a natural look. i dont really prefer make-up since it is just like selling ones own self to weird doll shape looks. on other people i would think it would be fine since it was their choice to use it but for me it would be a no.

Monday, January 18, 2010

HomeWork 30-What are the sources of this sense of meaninglessness but also of the need for a sense of meaning?

What are the sources of this sense of meaninglessness but also of the need for a sense of meaning?

-Every human gains this feeling of meaningless in their lives and they want to be able to cover up this meaningless with something else in the world. That's why when ever kids are young they always aim big for what they will do in their lives (president, actor/actress, singer, model, etc) you never hear a kid say they want to be a McDonald worker or a Stationary Engineer (Garbage Man). Meaning is defined as : Something that is conveyed or signified; sense or significance, But everything in this world can and can't have meaning, people just think they can get it by being "cool" or obtaining the "cool" job.

Albert Camus, a philosopher, argues about how people need to struggle in life in order to take away the meaningless in their lives, in order to "fill a mans heart". Like each person tries to fit into the category of "cool" and all one needs to imagine is a "smile" on their faces instead of thinking it as uncool, this will give everyone meaning in their lives but will also take away some meaning from other whom are considered "more cool". It is either make one a lot more happy than others or make everybody happy just a little. No matter what the purpose of life each person has they will always fall back to do what their "box" tells them to. Like sisyplus whom is comdemed to push a rock up a hill forever, but by thinking that he is not struggling but happy for doing this will give him a purpose in life and remove the meaningless that was placed on him.

" If a sign is meaningless, it is only because we have not given it a meaning, a grammar, a use -- a role in our language; it is only because we have left the sign undefined. It is for us to stipulate how a sentence is to be verified; and if a sentence is unverifiable, it is only because we ourselves have made it unverifiable -- by failing or refusing to stipulate how it is to be verified (Zettelour tool; we alone make the rules of the game.
§ 259). Language is " (Wittgenstein). Seeing that nothing in this world really has any meaning and it is just a word we use to describe the describable. This is a tool we use and no matter what it will always be a tool. The feeling of meaning is also a tool that humans use on each other and on themselves. Every thing in this world is meaningless/ meaningful, just on the perceptive, nothing really makes sense and nothing will ever make sense, even though we think it does. It is like this cool unit of how we turn something that makes sense into something that is questioning our very existence. this "meaning" is already there and will always be there, and we will never be able to truly understand it and "fix" it since there are no world, no sound, no images in this world that can truly understand each other and everything.

HomeWork 28-Informal research

By studying the topic of "cool", we learn that there are many types of coolness in the all around us, and all these statements of "cool" are what people want to share with the world. "'I don’t think it is a nostalgic collection, but heritage is good for me — going back to the archives, but looking forward to the future,' the designer Frida Giannini" (SUZY MENKES, Calm after the storm,, New York Times, January 18, 2010) But these are just their views of what they think would "look cool" to the mass public. these aren't really "bold statements" but just their "own box of coolness"

These are just guides people show to be just like them, to be in the same type of box and taking away individual thoughts of "coolness". "My name is Scot McKay. I've been a professional dating coach for sometime now and helped thousands of guys get better with women. And there's one thing I've noticed along the way: Cool guys never have any problem getting women to notice them." (Scot McKay, Being Cooler