Tuesday, April 13, 2010

HomeWork 48: Treatment

Looking at the blue sky, all bright and wonderful, with pidgens flying across, moving to the front of the sidwalk where kids are going to school.
The sidewalks are emty and a kid steps into the picture with his school bag on one sholder. He stares up at the sign of the school and walked into the school building. The scurity officer giver him a star from the front desk, and he strolls by.
The kid strolls into the main office and he talkes to the desk person telling he/she they are here to see the principle. The lady is not paying attention to the kid, but has the impression that the kid is bad.
As the kid walks into the principle he is asked to take a seeat; and reviews the standards and motto of the school and what he expects from him. Of cource the kid agrees and collects his paper work, as the principle is staring at the kid looking confused. As the principle dissmis the student and he walks out the door quietly.
The student walks through a emty hallway with a couple papers on the ground, as he opens the door a rush of noise filled his mind from the classroom. students sitting tables (not rows) but like groups as the teachers welcomes the student and asked him to introduce himself to the class. A couple of snickers and wispers but the rooms is mostly quite as the kid takes his seat.

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