Monday, April 26, 2010

Hw: 49 (edited)

1. HW - 49 - A 4-6 paragraph analysis of your section's class savior/teacher film. This will be due Friday, April 23 at 9pm. Please address:
a. your personal contribution
b. your analysis of the message and tone of your section's film
c. contrast the film with the savior/teacher films we watched clips of
d. theorize (explore thoughtfully and powerfully) the connection between salvation and education/schooling in our culture

If your section didn't successfully complete a film you could choose to use this film to compare/contrast.

Our class didn't finish our movie, but in our movie we made it on the fake glory teachers get for changing a student who chooses to change him/herself. in the movie i contributed as a extra in the class and was assigned as the editor, but since we never finished filming we didn't do that part.

Sections 1's movie was a quick revelation on a happy tone to a serious tone after a day. in the beginning it show an empty classroom with the teacher stressed sitting at his desk drinking his pain away. After he feel asleep it was unclear either he was having a dream or remembering what happened that day. Since it blurred out as a time skip, either forward or backwards. the first day when the teacher was active trying to "teach" them, that didn't work since the students didn't care about it. Even though the students said that they didn't care about learning what was in the school curriculum but when it is about anything else, school is all they know. Even though they got a revelation at the end they still went back to be noisy kids and the students didn't care what was being taught to them, either it was based on sizer point of view or herize point of view.

This film is not like the super teacher films in many ways, since the teacher tried to teach them "a school topic" and they didn't listen and when he tried to teach them the said reality of life they didn't care. When it connect to their real world and can help the student's current lives don't matter, since they wont care. But the short film did follow the guide line of the teacher trying the school way, then get a break down on what to do next since they "seem" to have lost and then try to connect to the students on their terms and point of view.

Neither the super teach films or the short story films really show the reality of this cultures institutions. Each were to focused on their own theme and was not looking at the different possibilities that the film can have. the reality of the school culture is something that cannot be fully realized and changed in this world no matter how much it seems wrong. Teachers in reality would not give up as easily as the teacher in the short story and would not try and change their teachings like in freedom writers, but in the french movie "the class" showed the closest reality of what teachers and students faced, and how in school there cannot be a solution all the time, and that this world institutions are just poorly structured with the teachers and students looking different ways, and not caring for the other sides needs.

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