Monday, May 3, 2010

HomeWork: 52

in this society we have many different relationships with other people and when ever we look at friends and family usally many different people act differently alternating between the two sides and one will always ask is which is my real side, and which wsa just a creation. Wells i would say that all your relationships are a creations of a reactions to the certian social group.

There are so many different aspects in life that we do not take into account, since there is millions of ways that thing are connected, and so many thing that we all share in common.

On topic i really notice if the topic of gossip, since gossip some thing people call, their way to attack other people, or to make one self feel better. Since gossip is something that all humans do in some way or another to make others feel bad. When people are complaining about some thing or saying some thing negative about some thing or someone else, is a form of hate to make one feel more supuior. this is something most don't notice, since it is part of todays human nature to feel better than the rest.

This unit is connected with the human emotions which is a very complicated thing to define in this world. emotions are apart of our lives and pretty much run them from the sidelines and affecting the way we interact with others. if we didn't have emotion in this world than the world would be dull and more organized since emotions dive a human or animal in a way that the rational mind cannot function and think clearly. all out actions are kind of similar if you put different people into the same situation, they would all react and think almost the same way, even though they are thinking they are thinking rationally they will never know if they are run by rational or these little emotions.

Friends is another question in this world since what do you define as a friend, since there are borders everywhere that restrict one and one might never really know what a true friend it they can only be since the mind can play tricks against one self while each person will have to battle each other over who is on top and which social group they fall into. Each social group is like their own different family but even family is not perfect, each family can have different people they shut out of their lives even though they are related. Most people would think that a friend is defined by oneself but i feel there is a deeper meaning to what we feel as a friend. It is something that one cannot understand fully but instead follow it blindly thinking one is in control. We humans don't have any control over our lives, since we can't pick our parents, or our friends and in this world the definition of friends and family mike and get lost along the way.

Thinking about how other people interact with each other in confusing since the more i think about it the more things contradict each other and that in this world i do not know if these ideals are correct but i do not know if these ideas are connect with something and they ill someway help me find a deeper knowledge on how we interact with others.

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