Friday, June 4, 2010

HomeWork58: 102

Part 3:
Ms: Plaza: 1 child
"learn on their own and not to be constantly corrected." (child puts up a resistance.)
"The hardest part was the birth process." (cold environment of hospital pretty natural.)
Josh Marks: 1 child
"natural equals healthier."
"to many variables to count for" (for the kid to have the most humble experience)
"create sense of empathy"
Mother: 3 children
"i do not agree with the way grandparents raised their kids since it is too strict, but they gradually changed"
"i never thought of this, since i took medication, i couldn't breast feed, or the baby would eat my medicine."
"i didn't get much advice before giving birth, but i read some books"
"i wouldn't try to forcefully change someone's way of raising their kids but i would give them suggestions"

Wells looking at three different parents they all have their own way of parenting and no way is 100% correct, each parent was raise in a certain way that they would learn and come up with an adapt way of raising their kids. When parents are faced with different scenario's and cannot always focus on one kid since they are all different individuals and cannot be taught as equals in this world. As my mother had three children and never really though of something till i brought it up when asking her.
Josh's point about natural equals healthier i would agree and is what most parents want but it doesn't always happen that way. As times change the parenting styles change with it as each child is raised differently. Even though josh and ms plaza tried to breast feed their child my mother didn't because of her own reasons. this is an important part that formula milk is good for the child if something is wrong with the mother and they are unable to do this the natural way.
Most of these parents adapt the way of teaching through family and books and non of these type to raise their children came from them selves or their own ideals.

Part 4:
Through my insights through this mini unit i have seen many ways of parenting and even though the movie babies, but the cruel fact remains that there are many ways to raise a child, but every way is correct and wrong in their own sense. In this world we can never have one true way of raising a child from beginning to send, since related to the movies babies all the babies grew up in different environments and had different variables affecting them, but they all passed through the similar stages at different times, but pass through non the less.
All the children in this world are individuals and like the beginning of the unit when we found out that there were so many different small relationships we never thought about in this world it amazed us, and this is also like parenting since there are so many different types of relationships one can set with their child. Even though they would all want their child to call them mother or father, they still try to establish a balance of power and restriction for the child to grow. Even though my mother never tried to hit her kids when they did something wrong she still set a discipline structure of a "time-out". Ms. Plaza tried to have her child learn and grow, even though she added restrictions for her child. I in my personal blog would try and allow my child to try as many think as he/she can since i believe it is healthy for the child not to be confine to any limits but my way of thinking would eventually change and it will be affected by so many different variable to count for like the perfect way to raise a child. Said my Josh. In this world there is no right way and no wrong way and my analysis the little information we accumulated over the past weeks i have found out that one you decide something that is the right to you at the moment and things can change, so be open minded. Even though i believe this is right people may not believe or always follow it.

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