Friday, June 4, 2010

XC: You the man

In the performance it showed that relationships and peer pressure leads to the allow and support of domestic violence. In the play it was all about kids uneducated about the topic and asking for advice to know what to do to avoid that road, indirectly. When both parties are not agreeing with each other then it will lead to domestic violence said by the play.

there are many different problems with relationships and how they don't connect with each other, and how both sides don't always agree with what the other side wants are is doing. This will lead to rape, abuse or other kinds of domestic violence. It seems like the emotions are the one which take control of the body and the sides don't come to a mural agreement. When there isn't fear of the opposite side than this would lead to a mural agreement but things can still stray off course.

There are some common steps that one can take to help prevent domestic violence, like
1. Getting to know your spouse better
2. Both sides can always say no when one disagree with the other
3. Take out the situation with out the use of physical and mental violence

But i feel like these steps don't always work and might not be in the right order since there is so much to learn in relationships and all humans think differently when dealing with the other party, we all have different ideals and cannot always agree with the other side. Relationships are very complicated and can never really be solved in 1-3 steps one always have to think things through and try not to let emotions control their view on things.

This experience and performance was valuable and insightful of some reality of how humans interact with each other especially spouses. In the future i always plan on thinking things through and try having a mural agreement with "my other half." Learning about abuse and domestic violence is good to know about the future and i would like to know some more, but this topic can never be solved and is some times a lost cause since in this world humans don't always understand each other and thing are more complected than they seem. Even though i will remember this now there is no guarantee that i would use what i learned and what i say in the future.

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