Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Homeworks 7: interview

M-family member
T-family member
L-Best friend


if you didn't have your phone what would you do with your life:
L:i would cry, or find a new hobbies to do something with my life.
T:would commit suicide
M:well id still live life of course

what do you think about all these types of digital representations:
L:laptops computer's, have been making kids stay up all night and lack of sleep, stop kids from getting a good educations, and stop kids from doing the right things (just cant stop)
M:that we use them in our society more now
S1:Kids today has a lot to deal with, in terms of school, work, outside pressure from people. Some digital stuff is okay but i think young people need to understand themselves in this world.

why do you think you cant stop using all these digital stuff:
L:i feel kind of lonesome, my phone has everything in it, my person my friends , its like my life.
M:because its such a big thing that we kinda rely on them now

what would you think of this society with out all this digital equipment:(how would you view it)
L: i think society would be much better, since most people in the united states would be on the computer etc 24/7, it would be better if kids stay on the task of reading and school work.
M:that's a hard questions... i would view it as... well in the past we didn't have them soo, i think that we go back using our old things
S1:It would be... a world with cellphones still, since people need a way to communicate with others, instant everything and texting nows toos.

do you think this technology has taken away our ability to think as individuals:
L:no not as much cause, because the computers has a lot of things you can learn on, not all just games and such.
M:yea, today everyone relies on sources that are not their own

why do you think we are the laziest generations:
L:most people just follow one common paths and stay home and get sucked in and are lazy no mater what they do.
M:Wikipedia for example

how come we don't call the adults a lazy generations:
L:because the adults go to work and earn money
M:because we fail at life? my opinion

would the adults look different at us when we are earning money:
L:probability looking up at us and earning the money and trying to make the would better.
M:well yea...

do you think its right for adults to promote these products to make us more lazier:
L: the adults try to make the life more easier and better to learn even though they make new games that distract us kids.
M:umm...that's really hard...umm...its not right..but... there's times when we get lazy a want

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Homework4 Comments

*note*- i know this isn't much or very good since i tried not to be very critical to my fellow peers.

Jenise L
This is a very insightful post about how in this world technology is created to help humans do better in life, but now it has become an addiction and has harmed us in many ways. I agree of what you are saying that people of the things we misuse in today's lives. Looking at all these things we abuse, like Internet, cell phones and television i feel that its something i or we can never stop. I have never though of how taking of granted is wrong, like music or Internet. people should be more aware of this situation, like you said "I would say anything digital is addicting...". Seeing people putting their lives into digitization today is very scary, even though people can live without it, it fills up peoples time and entertain them like you said. But i think you should explain more about how people would live with out digitization, you could think about the ideal world in your head. You could also fill the paragraphs with more ideas, since each are about repeating the same thing over and over again, though i liked how you connected the same idea to different things in the real world. I will see you tomorrow and maybe discuss it with the class ans see what they think about these thoughts.
Carrie L.
Hey Carrie, i see you wrote a lot on this like you commented on me. I agree with you that technology is the future and most humans cant live without any form of digitization today. the idea of doing more work is not right for humans (like you said.) i think you might need to rethink the second nature thing since technology has spoiled out minds so much it has become a first nature. people can go 1 hour without seeing some form of technology to amuse themselves. people today will check their phones every hour or so or start a new conversation. when one form of digitization has run dry after a short period of time we will mostly jump to another form. You say "It's important that we keep communication a face-to-face affair even with the options of texting and IMing because the more we use them, the more habitual it becomes and as a result we find ourselves isolated from the rest of the world." and that is very true since humans are too lazy to move anywhere that they will just move their hands and fingers to communicate. you say "Our generation is being constantly criticized by our obsession with electronics and our lackadaisical nature to explore the real world around us without such tools." and yes that's very true but i don't think adults should be blaming us for this since they themselves has become sucked into the digital world. I think you should maybe expand on your thoughts since you leave them haft finished,since you only talk about each type of digital technology a little. you could explain more about social networks and connect thing together of why they were started, and explain more of what you think. This is a very good base to think about the digital work i hope to hear more about it.

Monday, September 14, 2009

HomeWork3: Initial thoughts on Digitization

Throughout time man have been advancing on technology trying to free up time to do what we want to do. But by having all this free time has lead to a generation of laziness, to advance forward in technology and to take up out free time we created a digital world, which is where the age of digitization has come. With this 20 year old technology we have discovered new ways which leads our civilization to a deeper and darker abyss. This have taken control of our lives which leads the world to a deeper darker future.

We as animals has let our lives be controlled by this digital world, as we sit down and let a new lazier generation come. This digital world has not only took over our free time but the time we use for daily activities. There is not that much time in a day so we treat out bodies in a negative ways and deprive ourselves of sleep. We have detracted ourselves from the rest of the world, which runs our true ability to communicate with other animals.

This world of zero's and one's has fascinated us to waste many hours of a day with no sense of time which has pasted. A person can spend hours on the computer or watching TV but it would only feel like an hour has passed.

We are so hooked on to the modern technology that we have lost all sense of what use to be important to us and focus on something which only exist with the press of buttons.

Even though this new technology has helped make our lives easier as animals, and has brought us new found joy, we still cant face the fact that the "joy" we receive are for a couple hours and then dissapeers but not the joy we really need as a living being.