Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Homeworks 7: interview

M-family member
T-family member
L-Best friend


if you didn't have your phone what would you do with your life:
L:i would cry, or find a new hobbies to do something with my life.
T:would commit suicide
M:well id still live life of course

what do you think about all these types of digital representations:
L:laptops computer's, have been making kids stay up all night and lack of sleep, stop kids from getting a good educations, and stop kids from doing the right things (just cant stop)
M:that we use them in our society more now
S1:Kids today has a lot to deal with, in terms of school, work, outside pressure from people. Some digital stuff is okay but i think young people need to understand themselves in this world.

why do you think you cant stop using all these digital stuff:
L:i feel kind of lonesome, my phone has everything in it, my person my friends , its like my life.
M:because its such a big thing that we kinda rely on them now

what would you think of this society with out all this digital equipment:(how would you view it)
L: i think society would be much better, since most people in the united states would be on the computer etc 24/7, it would be better if kids stay on the task of reading and school work.
M:that's a hard questions... i would view it as... well in the past we didn't have them soo, i think that we go back using our old things
S1:It would be... a world with cellphones still, since people need a way to communicate with others, instant everything and texting nows toos.

do you think this technology has taken away our ability to think as individuals:
L:no not as much cause, because the computers has a lot of things you can learn on, not all just games and such.
M:yea, today everyone relies on sources that are not their own

why do you think we are the laziest generations:
L:most people just follow one common paths and stay home and get sucked in and are lazy no mater what they do.
M:Wikipedia for example

how come we don't call the adults a lazy generations:
L:because the adults go to work and earn money
M:because we fail at life? my opinion

would the adults look different at us when we are earning money:
L:probability looking up at us and earning the money and trying to make the would better.
M:well yea...

do you think its right for adults to promote these products to make us more lazier:
L: the adults try to make the life more easier and better to learn even though they make new games that distract us kids.
M:umm...that's really hard...umm...its not right..but... there's times when we get lazy a want

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