Monday, September 14, 2009

HomeWork3: Initial thoughts on Digitization

Throughout time man have been advancing on technology trying to free up time to do what we want to do. But by having all this free time has lead to a generation of laziness, to advance forward in technology and to take up out free time we created a digital world, which is where the age of digitization has come. With this 20 year old technology we have discovered new ways which leads our civilization to a deeper and darker abyss. This have taken control of our lives which leads the world to a deeper darker future.

We as animals has let our lives be controlled by this digital world, as we sit down and let a new lazier generation come. This digital world has not only took over our free time but the time we use for daily activities. There is not that much time in a day so we treat out bodies in a negative ways and deprive ourselves of sleep. We have detracted ourselves from the rest of the world, which runs our true ability to communicate with other animals.

This world of zero's and one's has fascinated us to waste many hours of a day with no sense of time which has pasted. A person can spend hours on the computer or watching TV but it would only feel like an hour has passed.

We are so hooked on to the modern technology that we have lost all sense of what use to be important to us and focus on something which only exist with the press of buttons.

Even though this new technology has helped make our lives easier as animals, and has brought us new found joy, we still cant face the fact that the "joy" we receive are for a couple hours and then dissapeers but not the joy we really need as a living being.


  1. I like your thought process and I agree with what you stated. Your ideas are unique, something that I never even thought about until just now. I’m most positive that your saying since technology has advanced, the reason we do it is because we are lazy. Also wanting to do something easy, less work that's fun and takes up our time. I have discovered that when people are bored, instead of working out, reading or going for walks with friends, they would, (our generation) mostly will go online, text, and play video games, anything that does take up time I think you should go more in depth with occupying our time with the digital world. Also when you call humans "Animals" (not saying it's the wrong term" But do you choose that word implying our society is wild and crazy to use the digital world? Or it's making us wild? It's unclear to me. Other then that your ideas are strong. You made me recap these past few days I had with the digital world. I've been trying to cut down how much I use it, especially on my free time. It is kind of difficult because I’m immune to it. I feel the reason we use it the way we do is because that's what we know. If we didn't get introduced to it, i'm sure we would still survive this world and the little things, such as eating at dinner tables, physical communication, reading and much more, will be more valuable to us. I enjoyed reading your blog and I'm looking forward to seeing your new ideas or see the development with your thought process. See you in school tomorrow and have a nice day!

  2. Vincent,

    I thought it was interesting that you described technology as a creation to fulfill our free time and all our boring moments. I can sense the negativity you have on the subject of the digital world and I respect how strongly you feel about it. I agree that the internet and all these new tools that we’ve developed has become sort of a time filler. But I don’t think that was what its initial purpose was intended to be. I think it was more of an innovation based solely on the idea of efficiency, but It has obviously turned into an object of entertainment.

    Your view on the subject suggests that technology should be done away with which I partially agree with being that it does take away from our interest to pursue the more tangible things in life. It has taken up a lifestyle of laziness and a lower level of patience and willingness to conduct tedious manual labor. We no longer take time to stop and smell the roses. It’s more like chop down the trees and destroy the roses to make room for digitalization and ignorance. Like you said there is a possibility that the so-called advancements we are making can ultimately destroy us in the end. However, I sort of disagree on the fact that all digitalization does is ruin our lives and ours attempts to enjoy other experiences.

    I agree with most of the ideas you are suggesting but it might make it clearer if you can be more specific in some areas. For example,, what are “the joy[s] that we really need as a human being” that is more meaningful than the internet, or that can last longer than the joy we receive from the internet? And what did we use to value that we apparently have lost today? Is it nature, everyday face-to-face conversations, physical activities? And why are they so much more significant and more focus-worthy than the digital realm?

    It sounds like your perspective of these technological advancements are very disapproving. Is this view coming from experience or coming from someone that you know?

    I would love to hear more about you insights relating to the subject. Your ideas that you post on your blog and say in class are always stimulating even though I know that half the time you’re playing devil’s advocate (lol).

  3. To what Carrie L said...
    Through out your comment, you talk both "hot" and "cold". You disagree and agree with different points of my post like "looking right and left and tie same". like most people they wouldn't agree with most my ideals since they seem absurd. there are many things we cant live with out. i just think that technology can never be taken away since there will always technology in this world. we should just make life a little harder so people can enjoy the hard work and accomplishment, that we have succeeded. each person can choose how they can live their lives with our without digitalization but now that is gotten hold of us we can never look away, till something new and faster comes along. to answer your question of "what are “the joy[s] that we really need as a human being" we can get joy from hard work and doing stuff ourselves with others and not relying on something that just makes or lives easier and takes away all the fun in our lives. we are just hollow shells with no real mind of our own prone to think that this life is a better life for us. By loosing everything and gaining back a easier life, is this a life which all humans are looking toward or is there something better or worse in the future in store for us?
