Friday, June 4, 2010

HomeWork58: 102

Part 3:
Ms: Plaza: 1 child
"learn on their own and not to be constantly corrected." (child puts up a resistance.)
"The hardest part was the birth process." (cold environment of hospital pretty natural.)
Josh Marks: 1 child
"natural equals healthier."
"to many variables to count for" (for the kid to have the most humble experience)
"create sense of empathy"
Mother: 3 children
"i do not agree with the way grandparents raised their kids since it is too strict, but they gradually changed"
"i never thought of this, since i took medication, i couldn't breast feed, or the baby would eat my medicine."
"i didn't get much advice before giving birth, but i read some books"
"i wouldn't try to forcefully change someone's way of raising their kids but i would give them suggestions"

Wells looking at three different parents they all have their own way of parenting and no way is 100% correct, each parent was raise in a certain way that they would learn and come up with an adapt way of raising their kids. When parents are faced with different scenario's and cannot always focus on one kid since they are all different individuals and cannot be taught as equals in this world. As my mother had three children and never really though of something till i brought it up when asking her.
Josh's point about natural equals healthier i would agree and is what most parents want but it doesn't always happen that way. As times change the parenting styles change with it as each child is raised differently. Even though josh and ms plaza tried to breast feed their child my mother didn't because of her own reasons. this is an important part that formula milk is good for the child if something is wrong with the mother and they are unable to do this the natural way.
Most of these parents adapt the way of teaching through family and books and non of these type to raise their children came from them selves or their own ideals.

Part 4:
Through my insights through this mini unit i have seen many ways of parenting and even though the movie babies, but the cruel fact remains that there are many ways to raise a child, but every way is correct and wrong in their own sense. In this world we can never have one true way of raising a child from beginning to send, since related to the movies babies all the babies grew up in different environments and had different variables affecting them, but they all passed through the similar stages at different times, but pass through non the less.
All the children in this world are individuals and like the beginning of the unit when we found out that there were so many different small relationships we never thought about in this world it amazed us, and this is also like parenting since there are so many different types of relationships one can set with their child. Even though they would all want their child to call them mother or father, they still try to establish a balance of power and restriction for the child to grow. Even though my mother never tried to hit her kids when they did something wrong she still set a discipline structure of a "time-out". Ms. Plaza tried to have her child learn and grow, even though she added restrictions for her child. I in my personal blog would try and allow my child to try as many think as he/she can since i believe it is healthy for the child not to be confine to any limits but my way of thinking would eventually change and it will be affected by so many different variable to count for like the perfect way to raise a child. Said my Josh. In this world there is no right way and no wrong way and my analysis the little information we accumulated over the past weeks i have found out that one you decide something that is the right to you at the moment and things can change, so be open minded. Even though i believe this is right people may not believe or always follow it.

XC: You the man

In the performance it showed that relationships and peer pressure leads to the allow and support of domestic violence. In the play it was all about kids uneducated about the topic and asking for advice to know what to do to avoid that road, indirectly. When both parties are not agreeing with each other then it will lead to domestic violence said by the play.

there are many different problems with relationships and how they don't connect with each other, and how both sides don't always agree with what the other side wants are is doing. This will lead to rape, abuse or other kinds of domestic violence. It seems like the emotions are the one which take control of the body and the sides don't come to a mural agreement. When there isn't fear of the opposite side than this would lead to a mural agreement but things can still stray off course.

There are some common steps that one can take to help prevent domestic violence, like
1. Getting to know your spouse better
2. Both sides can always say no when one disagree with the other
3. Take out the situation with out the use of physical and mental violence

But i feel like these steps don't always work and might not be in the right order since there is so much to learn in relationships and all humans think differently when dealing with the other party, we all have different ideals and cannot always agree with the other side. Relationships are very complicated and can never really be solved in 1-3 steps one always have to think things through and try not to let emotions control their view on things.

This experience and performance was valuable and insightful of some reality of how humans interact with each other especially spouses. In the future i always plan on thinking things through and try having a mural agreement with "my other half." Learning about abuse and domestic violence is good to know about the future and i would like to know some more, but this topic can never be solved and is some times a lost cause since in this world humans don't always understand each other and thing are more complected than they seem. Even though i will remember this now there is no guarantee that i would use what i learned and what i say in the future.

XC: Babies

1. Did one culture, shown in the film, have a better way of parenting than the others?

No culture in this film showed that there is a better way of parenting than the other, since even though all the kids grew up differently they all still followed the same basic steps. Even though the children from Mongolia was raised in the wild unlike the child in Japan who was raised in a urban environment. All the children were brought into this world by their cultures rituals like hospitals or natural birth. The babies are than raised like a good child all innocent in the culture and is feed and nurtured by the parents culture and the surrounding people. The babies were interacting with society and as they grew up they experienced different things, some were formula feed and some were breast feed. Buy at the end the babies grew up to be one with their culture and society and learned how to stand and walk toward the same future.

2. How did each family prepare the child to take its "place" in their society? Did communication, cuddling, supervision, discipline line up to "mold" the kid for that society? Or do you think that a kid from one society would have been able to transfer successfully/easily at age 1 to one of the others?

Each family raised their child different, in Mongolia the children were raised with their siblings the most and was feed bathed by their mothers only, in the entire movie i didn't see a single adult male, and it was questionable of how modernized they were since they had tools from the modern world but still lived in the style as hunter gathers. the new babies often follow how their siblings behave but they also had to be guided by their parents. For example when the baby was drinking water he followed what his siblings did but when he was drinking milk from his mothers she had to constantly guided him back to drinking milk when he stopped sucking.

In grasslands of Namibia the baby was pretty much tied up all the time so she wouldn't wonder away, she was treated like a dog almost. She had a rope lease and also his feet were tied up on the bed alone. She was abused by her older brother but there was no real disciplined showed. She kind of followed what was given to her as she went alone living alone explore on her own. The parents were not really around her most of the time, but she still managed to grow up.

In Tokyo The baby was raised like a robot, sitting in its carriage and all the mothers that came together treated their children in the same way, they were no difference in the babies identities, like it was a factory. The baby was brought to a school where he was following along to what the parents were doing and the mother controlling the babies actions by moving the hands by her self. She was raised with many toys and even though she was curious she had a lot of constant care from her parents.

California the baby was pretty much left alone with the cat, she was trapped in a stroller and was restrained by it. The baby in the beginning had many wires put on him and it looked like an experiment in my eyes.

Each parent treated their child's in many way either leaving them at home or keeping constant supervision on them. There is no way showed that the children at the age on one should be treated since either way they will follow the same path. there are many good points and bad points about the way the babies were raised so it is hard to tell which baby was raised better and how.

3. What looked universal - common to all humans - from the film - at least as edited? Why is this universality significant?

All the humans in the film had a universal roll to nurture and to love the baby, they had to watch him/her grow and as time go on let them explore without restricting them too much. In each of the area's the babies had some freedom to explore but still had to follow rules their parents and siblings set up. This is significant since all the people believe that they should lead their children on the right path and have it grow to be a model member of their society.

4. Your own question.

I still wonder why the babies were treated so good in the movie since there was no real disciple in the movie just a bunch of restrictions the baby can do. They didn't show and abuse it was like all the babies were perfect in this world and that they don't need abuse till they reach a certain age.

I wonder how the babies will turn out in the future since even though the babies took the same path toward standing and being a member of their society they will walk different roads and come out differently. even though they all look like they will walk the same path it is unlikely that the babies will do so.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

HomeWork57: (edited)

Part 1: Your initial thoughts
* How should kids be parented?
I feel like i can't really give a correct answer to this question since my answers are probably based on how i was raised as a child. But looking at those thoughts i feel that a child should have room to explore on their own since they are their own individuals, and i shouldn't really control their lives of what to like and dislike. I think children should be introduced to many different things when they are still developing and on a equal amount so they would not favor one over another because they were influenced more by it.
Children should spend equal time with their children and not spoil the child so that he/she always get what they want. I feel like there should be a balance to how much love the parents give the child and how much restrictions a kid should have. They shouldn't have too much but they should have to little, i think being in the middle of the togetherness and the individuality pulls is the best thing for a child to have.

* What should be the social arrangements? An extended family, nuclear family, a village, corporate day care?
Kids should first get to acknowledge their parents first before and other social interactions since they are the ones they are closest to in this world and will spend most of their early life with. I disagree with and kind of day care because it roots the child's brain and influenced them to other in a early age, and will train them to be corporate robots. Children should be influenced little by their relatives and as they grow older they should start and expand their horizon and seek new friendships and bonds but not get to attached to them.

* What should be the guiding principles? Love? Obedience? Loving obedience? Humor? Empowerment? Subordination? Time outs? Separate cribs or co-sleeping? Breast feeding or bottle? Child-centered or parent-centered? etc.
I don't think their should be one guiding principle since in this world kids need to experience more than on main thing, they need to explore on their own and with others, they need to be taught and have room to self learn.
Stuff like timeouts are just a waste since their superiority don't last long, and beating a child hurts their bodies mentally in the long run. I think that

* What were the best parts of how you were parented (since the worst parts don't really belong in a public class blog)?
I don't really know the best parts of how i was parenting since i don't want to judge how my parents did it since i would start having doubts about how i was raised.
But if i had to pick one i would say that my parents didn't believe in that many punishments like physical or mental (like time outs)

* How do you think you'd parent if you're put in that position?
I think i would treat my child in the same way since i don't think that timeouts or physical punishments would do the child any good, i believe that there are better ways like telling the child and restricting them (not grounding) in some ways are the way to raise a kid.

* Do you think babies should be treated more like adults or like puppies?
I think babies shouldn't be treated in the middle between an a adult and a puppies since they are still humans but don't function and think like a corporate puppet like an adult.

* Do you think parenting will "come naturally" or do you think you'll have to research multiple perspectives and come up with a (possibly evolving) model in collaboration with other family members? Did your family read books about how to parent you or do informal research such as talking to other family members?
I believe that parenting doesn't come naturally since in this society we learn our parenting skills from our parents and would treat our kids like how we are treated and we would just exclude what we thought was good or bad. I don't think getting advice from books is a really good idea since those are corporate ways to raise a kid but ways to raise a kid should be from family and friends and not people you don't know.

Monday, May 17, 2010


Informal Research Continued -
Interview Questions: If there is a (1-5 next to the question 5=Yes Very often 1=Not very Often)
1. What is your definition of gossip?
2. When every your acquaintances(friends+daily interactions) talk about someone else do you become self conscious about it(whatever they were talking about) toward yourself?(1-5)
3. Do you make negative comments about others around you to your acquaintances? (1-5)
4. Have you ever felt a change in your personality around your acquaintances? (how?)

(to be continued)

(to be continued)

Survey Question:
*When every your acquaintances(friends+daily interactions) talk about someone else do you become self conscious about it(whatever they were talking about) toward yourself?(1-5)


Orignal Question: How do friends and acquaintances affect ones self happiness?
(OR) How do friends and acquaintances stimulate self depression?

-fixed in class- (Andy Snyder's suggestion) to write your questions over and over again in different ways till you get a exhibition type question. (pick a specif topic that has a probability to had studies done.)

New independent Research Topic: Does gossip create or caused by acquaintances create self depression?

Smith, Melinda, Joanna Saisan, Robert Segal, and Jeanne Segal. "Understanding Depression." (2009): n. pag. Web. 17 May 2010. .
This Website is a help page consist of basic knowledge to know about depression. It talks about the symptoms (that are commonly known)

If you identify with several of the following signs and symptoms, and they just won’t go away, you may be suffering from clinical depression.
* you can’t sleep or you sleep too much
* you can’t concentrate or find that previously easy tasks are now difficult
* you feel hopeless and helpless
* you can’t control your negative thoughts, no matter how much you try
* you have lost your appetite or you can’t stop eating
* you are much more irritable and short-tempered than usual
* you have thoughts that life is not worth living (Seek help immediately if this is the case)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

HomeWork54: (EDITED)

INTP - "Architect". Greatest precision in thought and language. Can readily discern contradictions and inconsistencies. The world exists primarily to be understood. 3.3% of total population.

Link of what a INTP is like
I though this test was a very vague interpretation of me, since it doesn't cover all of my personalities, it only shows the outer layer that most people see. But there are many points that make my personality unique and similar to others. By classifying me into four categories it is better than using one or two since there are more possibilities to place people in to tell how other are similar or not and where the line stops between personalities.

Big5 Test results
I'm a O53-C35-E12-A8-N3 Big Five!!
Even though this is a different test than what andy had on his blog i still think that this shows a different side of my personality than the first personality test. Instead of labeling us into categories it shows percentages to how much of each category we are, so we have a more basic understanding about ourselves.
But the way they placed it shows that i am low on the score since in the other test it also shows that my personality only related to about 3.3% of the population.
organized, group oriented, focused, conventional, leader, emotionally stable, anal, attention seeking, planner, realistic, fearless, responsible, finisher, decisive, norm following, respects authority, punctual, hard working, stiff, self confident, thinks rules and regulations are important, follows the rules, clean, outgoing, social, content, does not like being alone, normal, regular, does not like weird or strange people / things - intolerant of differences, strict, disciplined, aggressive, assertive, content, happy, proper, formal, strict with self, meticulous, strong sense of purpose

Monday, May 10, 2010

HomeWork: 53

survey done
while i was taking this survey i needed a little bit of outside help with some questions since i knew i would not be 100% truthful so if i agree with another opinion about myself i would try and rationalize the answer. Since outside opinion affects everything we decide and do in this world it seem no harm to get some help to maybe new ideals that i have never thought about.

Taking the survey didn't make me feel self conscious about myself since there is nothing really to hide that know of. I felt this was a great was to see how i compare to other students in the grade, and if i would fall into the most popular response in number f people whom took the survey. i felt like some questions sounded like they repeated over and over again and my answer didn't change even though i might of contradicted myself now that i think about it.

I didn't talk about the survey with my family since i thought that there was no need to gather their opinion since they would be about the same with my friends, on what they think about each topic.

By thinking about my answers it didn't change my daily life at all since everything seemed normal even though i thought about my relationship with others and how close i am with them in this world. I didn't even think about the fact that all this thinking can be a lie and the truth is something i do not want to remember and experience.

There is so much to think about but no matter how much i want to change about how i feel i just can since it is apart of my normal life and it is the route i decided to take regarding my relationships with others and how i feel about them.
An interesting thought by looking at the survey is that is they questions is asking about something good than the yes is a majority most of them time but if it is dealing with something else it varies, this shows some pattern to how we think about our lives and what truths and lies are hidden in those surveys results.
I am most surprised of how good our lives are but the sample size was only 51 comparing to the rest of the world or new york city. this sample size i feel is still insignificant to the real results or some people were lying, since it is highly unlikely that a majority of the people have good lives. Maybe with was just our perspective of what we consider good so the judgment was varied to different standards since different humans have different standard for different things.
By comparing my thoughts to the data we collected and analysis, i feel like it is hard to make an assumptions to how our lives are like with relations to others and with ourselves. This is shown that our initial thoughts were somewhat off from what we see with how people lives are with their family and friends and to themselves. This experience shows how weird humans are thinking one thing and answering another. It also shows the complexity of how things are related in this world since everything has a certain level of significance in this world.

Monday, May 3, 2010

HomeWork: 52

in this society we have many different relationships with other people and when ever we look at friends and family usally many different people act differently alternating between the two sides and one will always ask is which is my real side, and which wsa just a creation. Wells i would say that all your relationships are a creations of a reactions to the certian social group.

There are so many different aspects in life that we do not take into account, since there is millions of ways that thing are connected, and so many thing that we all share in common.

On topic i really notice if the topic of gossip, since gossip some thing people call, their way to attack other people, or to make one self feel better. Since gossip is something that all humans do in some way or another to make others feel bad. When people are complaining about some thing or saying some thing negative about some thing or someone else, is a form of hate to make one feel more supuior. this is something most don't notice, since it is part of todays human nature to feel better than the rest.

This unit is connected with the human emotions which is a very complicated thing to define in this world. emotions are apart of our lives and pretty much run them from the sidelines and affecting the way we interact with others. if we didn't have emotion in this world than the world would be dull and more organized since emotions dive a human or animal in a way that the rational mind cannot function and think clearly. all out actions are kind of similar if you put different people into the same situation, they would all react and think almost the same way, even though they are thinking they are thinking rationally they will never know if they are run by rational or these little emotions.

Friends is another question in this world since what do you define as a friend, since there are borders everywhere that restrict one and one might never really know what a true friend it they can only be since the mind can play tricks against one self while each person will have to battle each other over who is on top and which social group they fall into. Each social group is like their own different family but even family is not perfect, each family can have different people they shut out of their lives even though they are related. Most people would think that a friend is defined by oneself but i feel there is a deeper meaning to what we feel as a friend. It is something that one cannot understand fully but instead follow it blindly thinking one is in control. We humans don't have any control over our lives, since we can't pick our parents, or our friends and in this world the definition of friends and family mike and get lost along the way.

Thinking about how other people interact with each other in confusing since the more i think about it the more things contradict each other and that in this world i do not know if these ideals are correct but i do not know if these ideas are connect with something and they ill someway help me find a deeper knowledge on how we interact with others.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

HomeWork 51:

3. HW - 51 - A 3-5 page paper, drawing on your independent research, interviews, class materials, etc on a particular topic of interest to you related to schooling. This will be due Tuesday, April 27 at 9pm.

If you don't yet have a topic please consider the following - linked to what we've studied this unit:
1. School as salvation - what can schools realistically do to address the systematic problems of inequality, anti-intellectualism, and meaninglessness in our society? (Savior Teacher Films, Obama speech, Sizer, Freire, Hirsch, Delpit, interviews, own thoughts)

2. School as domination - How do schools train us to be sheep, to be dull, to be dumb, to be absurd? Is it possible/preferable to escape, to transform, or to understand the institution? (Dead Poets Society, Freire, Sizer, Delpit, interviews, own thoughts)


Monday, April 26, 2010

Hw: 49 (edited)

1. HW - 49 - A 4-6 paragraph analysis of your section's class savior/teacher film. This will be due Friday, April 23 at 9pm. Please address:
a. your personal contribution
b. your analysis of the message and tone of your section's film
c. contrast the film with the savior/teacher films we watched clips of
d. theorize (explore thoughtfully and powerfully) the connection between salvation and education/schooling in our culture

If your section didn't successfully complete a film you could choose to use this film to compare/contrast.

Our class didn't finish our movie, but in our movie we made it on the fake glory teachers get for changing a student who chooses to change him/herself. in the movie i contributed as a extra in the class and was assigned as the editor, but since we never finished filming we didn't do that part.

Sections 1's movie was a quick revelation on a happy tone to a serious tone after a day. in the beginning it show an empty classroom with the teacher stressed sitting at his desk drinking his pain away. After he feel asleep it was unclear either he was having a dream or remembering what happened that day. Since it blurred out as a time skip, either forward or backwards. the first day when the teacher was active trying to "teach" them, that didn't work since the students didn't care about it. Even though the students said that they didn't care about learning what was in the school curriculum but when it is about anything else, school is all they know. Even though they got a revelation at the end they still went back to be noisy kids and the students didn't care what was being taught to them, either it was based on sizer point of view or herize point of view.

This film is not like the super teacher films in many ways, since the teacher tried to teach them "a school topic" and they didn't listen and when he tried to teach them the said reality of life they didn't care. When it connect to their real world and can help the student's current lives don't matter, since they wont care. But the short film did follow the guide line of the teacher trying the school way, then get a break down on what to do next since they "seem" to have lost and then try to connect to the students on their terms and point of view.

Neither the super teach films or the short story films really show the reality of this cultures institutions. Each were to focused on their own theme and was not looking at the different possibilities that the film can have. the reality of the school culture is something that cannot be fully realized and changed in this world no matter how much it seems wrong. Teachers in reality would not give up as easily as the teacher in the short story and would not try and change their teachings like in freedom writers, but in the french movie "the class" showed the closest reality of what teachers and students faced, and how in school there cannot be a solution all the time, and that this world institutions are just poorly structured with the teachers and students looking different ways, and not caring for the other sides needs.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

HomeWork 48: Treatment

Looking at the blue sky, all bright and wonderful, with pidgens flying across, moving to the front of the sidwalk where kids are going to school.
The sidewalks are emty and a kid steps into the picture with his school bag on one sholder. He stares up at the sign of the school and walked into the school building. The scurity officer giver him a star from the front desk, and he strolls by.
The kid strolls into the main office and he talkes to the desk person telling he/she they are here to see the principle. The lady is not paying attention to the kid, but has the impression that the kid is bad.
As the kid walks into the principle he is asked to take a seeat; and reviews the standards and motto of the school and what he expects from him. Of cource the kid agrees and collects his paper work, as the principle is staring at the kid looking confused. As the principle dissmis the student and he walks out the door quietly.
The student walks through a emty hallway with a couple papers on the ground, as he opens the door a rush of noise filled his mind from the classroom. students sitting tables (not rows) but like groups as the teachers welcomes the student and asked him to introduce himself to the class. A couple of snickers and wispers but the rooms is mostly quite as the kid takes his seat.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

HomeWork 47-Class film preparation 1

Please compose a colorful list of 5-10 ideas that should be considered for inclusion in your section's version of the "Savior/Teacher" film.

You could address plot, character, theme, tone, cinematography, dialogue, key images, tropes, references, or our collective process of making the film. Indicate which of the ideas are most important to you by putting an asterix by the one or few which you think are most compelling.

1. The students should be zombie like, shown in modern time (maybe black and white background) showing how all the students are oblivious to the world around them while they are "sucking" on the brains of their teachers to "feed" themselves.

2. Show more than one teacher or more than one class for a teacher, since the same students may not be interesting since it has been don't many times. it should show how a new york school really is and not all miracles can happen since it needs to point out the reality of schools and not just the made up fantasy that only happens in a few occasions.

3. We can show in a principles point of view walking into class rooms, since they always make the administrative seem bad and maybe we can shed some light and make the administrative look good.

4. a good 10% of the movie at least has to be scenery shots

5. some really overly dramatic scene to capture the audience attention

6. a choice can be a student teaching the teacher more about reality by switching roles (probably a new kid (transfer))

7. something unusual...

8. "film" of us filming the movie?

9. bad teacher?

Monday, March 8, 2010

HomeWork 42- More thinking

Question: How does extracurricular activities affect how a student learns in school. The definition of an extracurricular activity is something done outside of a normal school day. I would say than no matter what kind of "Extracurricular activities" a student participates in, it would have no affect on how a student learns.

Since school is only about 8 hours a day in my life, what do i do in that other 16hours than our affect my learning, would it be helpful or hurtful to students if they spent all the time outside of school having leisure time? What would going on facebook, or other social networks do to student and how a person learns in school, the next day.

Through out my life i have tried many different of activities outside of school, from sleeping to sports to academic. But i have never as a person knew why schools offer these opportunities and how they would affect me as a student. I have always know parents and teachers telling students how important school is, but do these things really help us or hinder us and, i as a student want to find out.

reminder to use this source to find more information on this topic.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

HomeWork 40: interviews

Best Friend- age 17
-What do you think about school in general?
What do you mean?

-how does your neighborhood affect how u learn?
well they affect me by the noises and distraction they cause.
hard to learn things wen its loud.

-how does extracurricular activities affect how u learn?
that's like sports and stuff right?

anything after school

or outside of school
well it could affect my learning because
sometimes you can come home late tired
and don't wanna do any hw.
so it brings down your grades.

-if you could change one thing about your school what would you change?
The healthy food for lunch
i mean
cause some kids are over weighted form the food they serve us.

-would you like all your teachers to but energetic and fun or would you like to keep them the way they are now?
the way they are now
equal of learning and fun

-if you had a choice would you still go to college after high school?
Yes i would to learn more things

-would you like to have the same teacher from kindergarten to 12th grade?
Because having the same teacher teaching you things from kindergarten till 12 grade is a bad thing.
they might know a lot of things then you thought
Friend- age 15
-What do you think about school in general?
it's interesting. it's a pain to drag myself there, and some classes i dread, but it's good

-how does your neighborhood affect how u learn?
my neighborhood has no connection to how i learn. i don't talk nor do i ever see my neighbors (i leave the house before they do apparently), therefore, i have no interaction with anyone

-how does extracurricular activities affect how u learn?
a few of my extracurricular activities are educational in a sense (bio olympiad, science bio olympiad), so i learn during the meetings, and they help me review the bio i forgot from freshman year. in other clubs, i have a lot of friends who have high grades, so after having conversations with them during meetings, i get a small feeling of inferiority sometimes, which then causes me to want to study more

-if you could change one thing about your school what would you change?
the broken escalators. they always break down and it's a pain to get from the first floor to the tenth.

-would you like all your teachers to but energetic and fun or would you like to keep them the way they are now?
it'd be fine to keep them the way that they are currently because they all have their own perks and class is usually interesting for the most part

-if you had a choice would you still go to college after high school?
of course. you can't get a good job nowadays if you don't have a college diploma.

-would you like to have the same teacher from kindergarten to 12th grade?
it would depend. if i liked the teacher, then it would be interesting and i would be used to the teacher then. if i didn't, then no thanks

Monday, February 22, 2010

HomeWork 41: Internet Reasearch On School

How does the neighborhood of where students live and go to school affects how kids do in school?, August 16, 2007. Even though they said that poor kids maybe get affected by the neighborhood they live in, but it is more about what they and their parents think about school than what the neighborhood the student live in and where their school is located. They also talked about the travel time from home to school and they is a factor. The factors might not be the neighborhood but the connection might be between the types of opportunities between the different schools and where the family lives.

Do extra curricular activities affect how students learn?

according to ( these extra curricular activities help students grades, by making them more "active" but now since high school are loosing funding there is a low budget on the number of activities a school can fund. They also say that these activities gives the students pride and accomplishment, so they will continue to do them and work hard.

( states that these extra activities strengthen students and help them fortify the basics more, but the activities to not teach any more than regular classes. this is also suggesting that students should attend more activities, since it "shouldn't" affect out grades and physical heath.

( is arguing not only these activities do what the other two sources said but these activities give a student better attitude toward learning according to a study. Not only saying that students will have time to relax from school but also "recommending" what students should learn what.

( is talking about how students don't get a break from their school work but if they don't it will improve their grades if they study more about it outside of school.

( is supporting scholastic and stating that students who spend their time outside of class doing leisure activities (watching TV, sports, talking on phone) have a negative affect on students, but students whom do school related activities (government, mathematics, etc) have a positive affect on students.

By looking at these different points of view, it is not really sure but many people say that students learning process will sometimes be affected by the extra curricular activities they do outside of school. This is affected by how they spend their time and what they think about school. If a student spends a lot of time outside of school doing leisure activities than doing homework or studying of course it would most likely affect how a student learns, against a student who spends their extra curricular activities studying with a teacher or a tutor.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

HomeWork 31

-why do you wear skinny jeans?
cause, it makes me feel like im not bloted or fat in a way, i think im fat becasue i see my self in different ways in other people.
-so you care about other people's opinions?
yea sometimes, cause i es Asian.
-why don't you like to wear sweaters?
because they are heavy,
-Is it because you dont want people to think you are weak?
yea basically,
-does it lead back to the reason that you think you are kinda fat?
i guess
-there is no i guess
yea there is,
-aren't your wearing these clothes because there is a empty hole in your life?
yes, there is...
-what do you think is missing?
uhh... hehehe... what?
my family together,
-i dont believe that!
you want to start!
it's not that, the thing that will fill that empty hole in my life is having my grampa back.
-but you know that is only a dream.
-so are you planning to get a tattoo?
yes, i am planning to get a star on my hand?
cause it's cool,
-do you think you are following corporate corruption on the human mind, of what is cool in this world?
my family has it and i want to have a tattoo,
-dont you want to be an individual?
-why not?
cause i dont want to.
-so you want to be a clone?
hell no
i dont want to be a clone because my is gonna take my clothes
-is clothes the most important thing in your world?
yes it is

what do i think about these answers
i think that my biffle still hasn't totally fallen into corporate hands, but is still influenced since he/she gets very defensive about her answers and the questions. He/She doesn't falter when he/she these answers . i think there is something that she is hiding and i think that some humans are different than others and might not fall totally down the hole made by corporate media.
i tried to keep the questions moderate and not very forceful. it is just hard to get answers for questions like this, and it is hard for people to really admit something they dont really know, or think about.


for my self, i think i follow the corporations somewhat, since there is no way for me to escape it, i also dont think there is any individuality left in this world since no matter how you look at it, there is no way for me to escape it. i wear the clothes i wear since i think it is confortable, maybe for the design, to show i follow name brands, but i am not afraid to admit it, but i dont get the reason to follow something really expensive, that will mean nothing to my self and something to other, since i believe that in this world it is mostly an equal trade system but not all the time.

i know my life is meaningless and these are just words, that only mean what i want them to mean and nothing else. since in this world there is nothing meaningful or meaningless. No matter what i say, i will still follow the corporations since i am born into this culture, but there will be no hope for the future.

i will not get anything to damage my skin or body just yet like sergery or a tattoo, etc since i believe in a natural look. i dont really prefer make-up since it is just like selling ones own self to weird doll shape looks. on other people i would think it would be fine since it was their choice to use it but for me it would be a no.

Monday, January 18, 2010

HomeWork 30-What are the sources of this sense of meaninglessness but also of the need for a sense of meaning?

What are the sources of this sense of meaninglessness but also of the need for a sense of meaning?

-Every human gains this feeling of meaningless in their lives and they want to be able to cover up this meaningless with something else in the world. That's why when ever kids are young they always aim big for what they will do in their lives (president, actor/actress, singer, model, etc) you never hear a kid say they want to be a McDonald worker or a Stationary Engineer (Garbage Man). Meaning is defined as : Something that is conveyed or signified; sense or significance, But everything in this world can and can't have meaning, people just think they can get it by being "cool" or obtaining the "cool" job.

Albert Camus, a philosopher, argues about how people need to struggle in life in order to take away the meaningless in their lives, in order to "fill a mans heart". Like each person tries to fit into the category of "cool" and all one needs to imagine is a "smile" on their faces instead of thinking it as uncool, this will give everyone meaning in their lives but will also take away some meaning from other whom are considered "more cool". It is either make one a lot more happy than others or make everybody happy just a little. No matter what the purpose of life each person has they will always fall back to do what their "box" tells them to. Like sisyplus whom is comdemed to push a rock up a hill forever, but by thinking that he is not struggling but happy for doing this will give him a purpose in life and remove the meaningless that was placed on him.

" If a sign is meaningless, it is only because we have not given it a meaning, a grammar, a use -- a role in our language; it is only because we have left the sign undefined. It is for us to stipulate how a sentence is to be verified; and if a sentence is unverifiable, it is only because we ourselves have made it unverifiable -- by failing or refusing to stipulate how it is to be verified (Zettelour tool; we alone make the rules of the game.
§ 259). Language is " (Wittgenstein). Seeing that nothing in this world really has any meaning and it is just a word we use to describe the describable. This is a tool we use and no matter what it will always be a tool. The feeling of meaning is also a tool that humans use on each other and on themselves. Every thing in this world is meaningless/ meaningful, just on the perceptive, nothing really makes sense and nothing will ever make sense, even though we think it does. It is like this cool unit of how we turn something that makes sense into something that is questioning our very existence. this "meaning" is already there and will always be there, and we will never be able to truly understand it and "fix" it since there are no world, no sound, no images in this world that can truly understand each other and everything.

HomeWork 28-Informal research

By studying the topic of "cool", we learn that there are many types of coolness in the all around us, and all these statements of "cool" are what people want to share with the world. "'I don’t think it is a nostalgic collection, but heritage is good for me — going back to the archives, but looking forward to the future,' the designer Frida Giannini" (SUZY MENKES, Calm after the storm,, New York Times, January 18, 2010) But these are just their views of what they think would "look cool" to the mass public. these aren't really "bold statements" but just their "own box of coolness"

These are just guides people show to be just like them, to be in the same type of box and taking away individual thoughts of "coolness". "My name is Scot McKay. I've been a professional dating coach for sometime now and helped thousands of guys get better with women. And there's one thing I've noticed along the way: Cool guys never have any problem getting women to notice them." (Scot McKay, Being Cooler